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Copays. The biggest concern is probably to cover the in hospital copay. Then skilled nursing, cancer, ambulance.....

For most folks, the most common claims are outpatient (Part B) . . . they can also be the most expensive.

Folks worry to much about a hospital stay . . . they should be more concerned about long recovery medical bills (PT, chemo, radiation, etc.) than hospital inpatient. Outpatient care really adds up. Ask a sick person if you don't believe me.
For most folks, the most common claims are outpatient (Part B) . . . they can also be the most expensive.

Folks worry to much about a hospital stay . . . they should be more concerned about long recovery medical bills (PT, chemo, radiation, etc.) than hospital inpatient. Outpatient care really adds up. Ask a sick person if you don't believe me.
I agree, but I was telling LD the areas of concern that a HIP helps to fill in the gaps.
Is IRMAA a hooker? :huh:

IRMAA is a lady I've never seen, but the way some of my clients talk about her, she isn't nice. Probably infected with diseases that were thought to be extinct years ago...

One of my most vivid IRMAA memories is a doctor in Cleveland TN whom I worked with years ago. I had sold him a big life policy when he was in his early 60's ($2M death benefit, swell commission), and in that process learned that his income was around $450K/year. When he T65'ed on me, I fixed him up with Medicare coverage and told him about IRMAA and how she would be jacking his premiums. The way he carried on about the several hundred extra $$$ he had to pay each month as a result of his income, you would have thought he would no longer be able to afford to feed his family. I guess everyone sees things from a different perspective. I would love to have to deal with IRMAA. Maybe.
I mention mapd to let them know upfront that I am biased towards OM in full disclosure, and also to get ahead of those damn free commercials and Bocci court friends who have agents like you to distract them with a free gold tooth.

Actually, 80% of my clients save money when they go from ACA to OM with med supp. T65 is like Xmas to them, going from $600/mo HMO with 7k deductible, to any dr with $233 ded for $320 mo. Its my favorite transaction.

The other 20% are low income or very rich manipulating income until age 65 to take advantage of ACA tax credits. IRMAA calls are my biggest volume of calls after the sale.

5x the number of calls for mapd clients? No thanks. And thanks for reaffirming why I dont sell dental or mapd.

Irmaa? Is that some type of soup? I have a few. My 90 year old father is at the top top irmaa . He’s at about $1100 a month with med sup ,part d and irmaa . He never says a word . Maybe one day i can stay in my jammies like you all day!!!! Lol .
I would love to have to deal with IRMAA. Maybe.

Anyone can be demanding. At least the folks with money aren't constantly shopping for a better deal.

Personally, I would rather deal with folks who are middle to upper class than the low end of the income ladder. Did that in a prior life. What a zoo.
Anyone can be demanding. At least the folks with money aren't constantly shopping for a better deal.

Personally, I would rather deal with folks who are middle to upper class than the low end of the income ladder. Did that in a prior life. What a zoo.

Agreed -- although, I've made tons with the DSNP folks and other low-income clients. They're fickle, and easily swayed by phone calls and such. And all of us who've worked that market have tons of stories about things like not sitting down since thousands of roaches were running around, worried about putting a foot through the rotted-out floorboards, being met by a client brandishing a gun because he forgot the appointment, etc.

And then there was the Flea Lady. I'll never forget her. But, bless her heart, she's still on my books all these years later. :twitchy:
not sitting down since thousands of roaches were running around,

One of the last times I ran an in home lead was a frame house on a large lot that sat about 200 ft off the road. Several non-working cars and trucks in the yard . . . don't recall a washing machine on the porch. The guy would not invite me in his home . . . which was just as well . . . but he did tell me I could sit in the (upholstered) chair on porch.

There was a trash bag on the chair, I started to move it but he said he would get it for me. He picked up the bag, which burst, spilling kitty litter all over the place and displaced what seemed like 100 roaches.

I was about ready to leave after that adventure but he said he was really interested in hearing what I had to offer. He suggested using the hood of my car as a desk. It was close to 90 degrees and my car was in the sun.

I rushed through the presentation, and he was interested in buying . . . but could he call me when he got a job so he could pay the premium?

Sure, pal, sure.

Gosh, I don't have a business card on me, why don't I call you in a few months.

I just remembered another appointment that was probably before the roach nest. It was in a trailer park . . . husband and wife, real nice, but both seemed a bit off . . . especially the wife. They sat on the couch and offered me a chair across from them, maybe 6 or 8 feet away.

The wife was fat and homely . . . she was wearing a dress and kept spreading her legs, flashing me. I don't know if it was a conscious act or not, but I had no interest.

They did buy a small policy on him, maybe $20,000 and of course the check bounced.

I have not done in home sales in over 20 years and have no desire to ever go back.
One of the last times I ran an in home lead was a frame house on a large lot that sat about 200 ft off the road. Several non-working cars and trucks in the yard . . . don't recall a washing machine on the porch. The guy would not invite me in his home . . . which was just as well . . . but he did tell me I could sit in the (upholstered) chair on porch.

There was a trash bag on the chair, I started to move it but he said he would get it for me. He picked up the bag, which burst, spilling kitty litter all over the place and displaced what seemed like 100 roaches.

I was about ready to leave after that adventure but he said he was really interested in hearing what I had to offer. He suggested using the hood of my car as a desk. It was close to 90 degrees and my car was in the sun.

I rushed through the presentation, and he was interested in buying . . . but could he call me when he got a job so he could pay the premium?

Sure, pal, sure.

Gosh, I don't have a business card on me, why don't I call you in a few months.

I just remembered another appointment that was probably before the roach nest. It was in a trailer park . . . husband and wife, real nice, but both seemed a bit off . . . especially the wife. They sat on the couch and offered me a chair across from them, maybe 6 or 8 feet away.

The wife was fat and homely . . . she was wearing a dress and kept spreading her legs, flashing me. I don't know if it was a conscious act or not, but I had no interest.

They did buy a small policy on him, maybe $20,000 and of course the check bounced.

I have not done in home sales in over 20 years and have no desire to ever go back.
Sounds like you were running FE leads Bob. :yes: