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New to FE in SC

So my buds in the business say they get a lot of chargebacks, mainly because others working behind them (reasons stated above). Do you experience the same running data lists? I understand nothing is 100%.

Business does get replaced easily if you're not offering a very competitive company. I've worked SC several times and it's a very good state to work. Feel free to reach out to me if you need more help.

[email protected]
I'm moving to SC. What's the deal in SC with FE for a newby?

You're going to find that there are two different areas for SC. The upstate and the low country. The upstate is a bit easier for FE sales. More of your "country"/rural types. So, where at in SC are you moving to?

In another post you mentioned that some of your friends talk about getting replaced. You also mentioned earlier about LH agents. Are these same friends LH agents? If so, then you have your answer as to why they are getting replaced. It's the independent agent that does the best for their client and educates them that gets replaced rarely. The high-priced companies like LH and Senior Life (not the only ones), are the ones that stand a chance of getting replaced more often.
Getting old, resold leads when purchasing "new" leads.


In a lead program, am I able to buy leads direct, or must I go through a FMO/IMO?

imo, yes. If an IMO is advertising to you that an agent is receiving fresh, unworked (A) leads and the IMO is sending that agent resold (B, C & D) leads, then that is bait & switch.

As far as buying leads direct, that depends on the FMO/IMO. FMO/IMOs who resell leads every 30 days are definitely profiting from the sale of leads. FMO/IMO's with In House lead programs generally offer lower commissions as well.

Higher contracts are usually found with FMO/IMOs that allow their agents to acquire leads on their own.
Getting old, resold leads when purchasing "new" leads.


In a lead program, am I able to buy leads direct, or must I go through a FMO/IMO?

Depending on the area, you may have to go through an IMO as the major mail houses have signed exclusives with the big boys. Go with a fixed cost program like Newby's. This doesn't have to be complicated if you can find the right partner.

If SC is a high return state you may do better than $26 a lead (still need to find a mail house), but maybe not. Are you a novice gambler?:err:
Goillini you're saying you door knock lists for medicare sales?

Yes. I telemarket the names that aren't on the DNC list, and door knock the rest.

For what it's worth, the late Frank Stastny told me it was best (for those who choose to work them- he didn't) to door knock the T65's as they obviously get bombarded with phone calls. He didn't believe in buying leads but he was a med supp guy.
For what it's worth, the late Frank Stastny told me it was best (for those who choose to work them- he didn't) to door knock the T65's as they obviously get bombarded with phone calls. He didn't believe in buying leads but he was a med supp guy.

I feel the same way, and I even mention that to the T-65's...that they're going to be bombarded by junk mail and phone calls. Lots of them choose to avoid that. I start contacting them 6 months before their birthday and often write them 5 or 6 months out.

Not many door knockers out there, so I have an advantage...I get in front of them.....if they answer the darned door.:laugh: