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No Solicitations

My favorite one of all time was on the door of an Edward Jones office. A guy who cut his teeth door knocking, but don't knock his door.
I never went in it. I had no interest in him or his office and I had no desire to pick a fight over it. It was an office I passed regularly and always got a laugh out of it.

I had a client I had to see that was a bit out of my area, so after my visit I decided to knock on some doors of the building next door. I knocked on most doors and long story short I was '"lucky" enough to open a new group.

Not long after I get an email from a District Manager (same company)...who has an office in the very building I cold called...asking what I was doing in "their" area. :twitchy:

I said, "I'm opening groups...what are you doing?"
I took a new agent out cold calling and he passed by a door.

"Hey, Kirk, you missed one," I said.

Kirk said "We can't go in there, see the "No Soliciting" sign?"

"We're not solicitors," I replied. "We're insurance agents. Let's go in."

After asking to see the owner, the receptionist went off and came back to tell us the owner did not want to talk to us. So, I asked for the name, so I could send him a letter.

About this time, a big, muscle bound guy comes out of the back room and says "Hey, Shirley, are these guys leaving?" while flexing his arms like a gorilla.

When Shirley answered that we'd be leaving soon, he said "No, I mean are they leaving NOW?"

I laughed and said "Hi, I'm Ed. What's your name?"

"They call me Mr Wonderful - are you leaving NOW?"

Kirk grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. When we got back to the office, Kirk told the guys he would never go out cold calling with me again.
