Obama Health Care- Continued

But it isn't fair that someone can make $300,000 a year while others barely have enough money to eat. Most people that are poor work just as hard as many world-class surgeons they just don't have the advantage of education.

Many work even harder but they do not bring as much value. That is how capitalism works or did up until the last election anyway.
But it isn't fair that someone can make $300,000 a year while others barely have enough money to eat. Most people that are poor work just as hard as many world-class surgeons they just don't have the advantage of education.

Is it fair to punish one's success to make up for someone else's lack of?

I'm not denying that there are people who have been dealt a horrible hand - but at the same point - THIS is the land of opportunity! How many stories (and made for TV movies) are there out there about people climbing up from poverty to become world-class surgeons, successful business people, etc etc etc.

I wish more people would read Atlas Shrugged or 1984. Both have good examples of what we have to look forward to if we start down this path.
Hmm, education isn't the difference between a surgeon and a poor person. We keep getting told this, but it simply isn't true.

Drive, motivation, and self confidence are the differences. Many educated people are poor. Many uneducated people (defining uneducated as no college degree) are pretty well to do if not flat out wealthy.

Even Bill Gates dropped out of college to start a small startup company.... we know that story.

Why isn't it fair that someone can make $300K and another $25K?

The hardest working people work at McDonalds in their McJobs. They take little risk in their life, and don't have the self confidence to step out and do more. Brutal, but pretty much the truth.

Education may be an advantage, its not the means. People can go get an education, it won't improve their lives by itself.

What needs to change is access to education and having funding based on property taxes.

Based on property tax? yeah right.

Come move to Houston.

In some areas a $500k home the property tax is around $25,000 per year - real fair to live in your own home.

Between my home and small office the property tax is over $2000 per month - tax only. Plus association fees (common in Houston) and utilities, etc., etc.,

Sorry I am tapped out.
In California, educational funding comes in a large part from property taxes. Not sure how it works elsewhere.

I actually don't care where the funding comes from. I do prefer it come from students (i.e., those who benefit from the education), but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

The irony now is the middle class pays for the person going to school to be a surgeon. Some people may pay back their student loans, but this doesn't necessarily reflect the cost of their education. It's always seemed a bit lopsided to me.

I do like giving people a chance to succeed in life, so helping with education, especially for the working poor, is a good thing.

But it isn't fair that someone can make $300,000 a year while others barely have enough money to eat. Most people that are poor work just as hard as many world-class surgeons they just don't have the advantage of education.

That isn't my problem. I make a very good living because I was willing to learn on my own (I only have a high school education) and make myself more valuable to the community. Your pay should always be based on your value within the community. If you can't make yourself more valuable, you won't make more money.

The guy that makes the shovel always makes more money than the guy that digs the ditch. There will always be poor people. "Poor people make poor choices." - Robert Kiosaki.
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The guy that makes the shovel always makes more money than the guy that digs the ditch.

Not sure that statement is true. Now the guy who designs the ditch usually makes more money than the guy who digs the ditch, meaning it isn't always about hard work, its about smart work.

Not sure that statement is true. Now the guy who designs the ditch usually makes more money than the guy who digs the ditch, meaning it isn't always about hard work, its about smart work.


"Accidently' fall into the ditch that someone else dug. Get a lawyer and retire early. It's the American way. Work is for suckers.

Not sure that statement is true. Now the guy who designs the ditch usually makes more money than the guy who digs the ditch, meaning it isn't always about hard work, its about smart work.


The guy that makes the shovel actually refers to the guy that owns the company that makes the shovel. If I owned a company making shovels that were sold all over the country in places like Home Depot, Lowes etc, I am pretty sure I would be making more money than the guy digging the ditch with my shovel. That was my point. It would also encompass the point you made about working smarter not harder.

Winter, you crack me up!