Out of State marketing


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
No. Cal.
I am a California agent writing mostly IFP plans for the blue's. I would like to test the waters in other states, although I am unfamiliar with carriers outside of California.

Any state and company recommendations would be appreciated.

My marketing is mostly calling small business' 1-10 employees, looking for IFP sales.
I am a California agent writing mostly IFP plans for the blue's. I would like to test the waters in other states, although I am unfamiliar with carriers outside of California.

Any state and company recommendations would be appreciated.

My marketing is mostly calling small business' 1-10 employees, looking for IFP sales.

That all depends on what companies you want to sell, where you feel comfortable, and how late you want to work. You can come over here to the east coast and start earlier or you can stay over there in CA and work the AZ, CO, etc. market. I sell in MD, DC, VA, PA and WV and I sell EVERYTHING. Personally, I enjoy MD and VA the best, but that is just me.

If you want to go the route of the cheap insurance agent you can look into the states that offer a nice Blues Commission. VA, SC, TN, etc. Unicare has some nice plans in VA and they are quite cheap. I don't sell based on price along, but that is a course to look into for the future. I'd recommend you pick a state you are interested in and take a month to get appointed with every carrier that you can while you learn the products and then go get em..
I also thought about selling out of California. In fact, I now have a website Your Health Insurance Options.com - low cost health insurance online! that I was going to use to market myself in the foreign lands outside of CA. (It's for sale if anyone has deep pockets).

However, I had conversation with Frank Stastny of YIO fame who pointed out there are SO many prospects in my backyard why bother going out of state. The grass just seems greener elsewhere. It's not.

I am now focusing my marketing in my 'hood. I know the plans in California, understand the underwriting of my carriers, and we speak the same language. Ever talk to someone from Texas or Georgia?

Also, I rarely write the "Blues" but focus on the Farm Bureau Plan and Health Net. They have better prices and better plans. Blue Cross and Blue Shield have well over half of the business here. When I speak with someone that has coverage, I usually can show them better alternatives by not being "stuck in the Blues."

Just my 3 cents (with inflation).

I have non res. licenses in: Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio & Indiana. Any suggestions on carriers?

Thanks or the input guys!
Also, I rarely write the "Blues" but focus on the Farm Bureau Plan and Health Net. They have better prices and better plans. Blue Cross and Blue Shield have well over half of the business here. When I speak with someone that has coverage, I usually can show them better alternatives by not being "stuck in the Blues."

Just my 3 cents (with inflation).


Rick, the "farm bureau plan" meaning Nationwide?
I have non res. licenses in: Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio & Indiana. Any suggestions on carriers?

Thanks or the input guys!

You have some good states there:

Assurant and Golden Rule are competitive in most of those states. PM me to get appointed at 20% annualized commission on them. Also I can get you an annualized contract on BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee as well.

Texas you will want to get appointed with Unicare. They're almost impossible to beat and pay 20% with a 6 month advance.

Ohio you can get appointed with Anthem BCBS and Medical Mutual but I would stick with Assurant and Golden Rule.

Nevada is a state I don't sell in because I can't find anyone worth a salt there.

Other states I would consider would be Michigan, Missouri, and Virginia.

I'm in about 20 states right now so call me at 888.877.3989 or email me and I'd be more than happy to talk to you about strategies.
You can sell out of state but you need to study the market and HIPPA options. You need to know the small group rules and especially know how big of a player Blue Cross is. There's no bigger ass kicking than going into a state where Blue Cross has fantastic plans and rates.

But, again, you at least need to know the market. Imagine calling a Maryland lead and hearing they currently have Optimum Choice. How would you respond?