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Part D Sales on Med Supps

Selling Part D with MS is service with the sale, aside from better retention and the extra 20% bump in commission. I sell through four carriers and spent about 5 hours on training . I use the government web site whenever brands or multiple scrips are taken. That is a 5-10 min process. As a rule of thumb, if one of my offering is not within 10% of the lowest cost, I offer to help the client enroll on line, provide the carrier's toll free number, or suggest they call SHIP. About 95% of the time I sell one of my offerings. My customer like the service and the one-stop shopping.

I agree the regs are cumbersome and pentalities are a little scary. Also selling Part D limits one's ability to do cross-selling initially. But, this can be handled later with a follow-up call.

For me it is worth selling the PDPs. For me it is simply the right thing to do. [ but make sure you keep damn good records for the SOA ]
I do it for any/all of my medsupp clients that need/want my service for PDP. I do not sell them. I did not contract with or certify for any plans. Too much BS for the $$.

I do take calls from non-clients. If there is a chance of a medsupp sale they get my 110% attention and the charm is on. If they make it clear that the medsupps are off the table then they get a print out from medicare.gov. I will do this as a service to someone referred by a client as to save reputation. I will not enroll them as I don't want to be seen as a point of service to them later.

Yesterday we took such a call. They were referred by two sets of our clients. They were willing to talk supps. I stopped by on my way home. Two new supps in the bag and they are thrilled with the savings on both the PDP and supps. Quote as I was leaving: "You have no idea what you just did for us... ".
The formality of the part D sales process is part of it's charm. I wish there were more MA plans in this area, I would drop what I was doing and have a party every fall.

Masters of the MA market make the kind of $$ I can only dream of working a fraction of the year. What these guys do, and how they do it, is genuinely impressive.
Is there some kind of service out there where your clients part D service can be handled for you but you still make a commission?

I thought I saw something like that with Ritter?

What are the commissions?

Are there residuals?
^get contracted with first health part D. You just hand them a flier with your name and writing number on it. They call in when you are not there.

Make $28 or fifty something
Sometimes we don't make the money we want for helping someone reach the right decision.

I have a little note I wrote in my first year in business 24 years ago....stuck on my office wall with a thumb tack where I can see it.

It says.....my only goal when I meet with you is to help you reach a decision that is in your own best interest.

I ask pharmacists all the time about Part D. Most know very little. That is putting it kindly.
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No residuals on FHPD Value Plus. One time payment is all you get. Better than nothing and a bonus to me. I'm still just doing it as a service, but if a Humana, AARP, or First Health drug plan comes up #1, we enroll them as the agent.
Sometimes we don't make the money we want for helping someone reach the right decision.

I have a little note I wrote in my first year in business 24 years ago....stuck on my office wall with a thumb tack where I can see it.

It says.....my only goal when I meet with you is to help you reach a decision that is your own best interest.

I ask pharmacists all the time about Part D. Most know very little. That is putting it kindly.

Hey, that sounds just like what has happened to the health insurance agents. Did you know something 24 years ago nobody else did? :twitchy:

Pretty soon you will be able to say that with Medicare prospects and clients. Good thing you have the right attitude. Let's just hope your attitude pays the bills. Doesn't seem to be working for the health agents.