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Popped My 2nd Cherry W/ Funny Story

:D:D:D Been there don't have the Tshirt as I jump about 3 feet in the air when the rottie jammed his nose hard into my nuts and starts sniffing. That was the last straw for me as I was already uncomfortable and suggested this would be better at work and got out opf there.

Then there are the appointments where I put my bag on the floor and during the appointment I need something out of it and I reach in and feel something warm...One of the cats had crawled and and took a **** in my bag!

I had a female manager that before going into any house would stand at the door and question the prospect on if they had any cats or dogs and would they please round them up and put them in a locked room as she wasn't setting foot 1 inside that house till they did....I always thought that was a little over the line but I understand now whay she did that.

Yeah my own dogs get pretty up close and personal that way too.

Crotches and backsides are like facebook for dogs.
I'll take cats and dogs sniffin' my junk versus cockroaches (pardon the pun) crawlin' up my legs and notebook.

I did have one chihuahua bitch bite my finger when I was reaching for my bag. Guess she thought I was grabbin' for her babies...
Hmmm, so u sold him an Americo just to get out of there eh?? So then did u sell him the best policy for YOU (to get out of there) or for him?? HEHEHE :nah: :nah:

Bustin' ya chops!!

Actually, since he was a smoker Americo was the best deal for him anyway. Best for him, best for me and I was out of there.:cool:
I'll take cats and dogs sniffin' my junk versus cockroaches (pardon the pun) crawlin' up my legs and notebook.

I did have one chihuahua bitch bite my finger when I was reaching for my bag. Guess she thought I was grabbin' for her babies...

My issue is I don't sell FE (Well I don't look for it) I'm normally selling school employees so some of these things just seem so wrong when I'm there.
Originally Posted by rousemark Image:
Based on the description, I will answer for JD. He sold the best policy for the client because he could not stand to stay long enough for a PHI. That means he would have left without the prospect having any coverage. AMERICO is certainly better than no coverage.​

Guess the same could be said of SL. :)

I'm sure SL would have been a terrible deal for him. Although LH rates are not real bad for smokers. I haven't seen the SL rates, but I do know the LH rates. They are preety close when I've sen comparisons.

If someone could have sold this guy by phone, more power to them.
I'm sure SL would have been a terrible deal for him. Although LH rates are not real bad for smokers. I haven't seen the SL rates, but I do know the LH rates. They are preety close when I've sen comparisons.

If someone could have sold this guy by phone, more power to them.

I was just saying SL would be better than not having any coverage. :yes:
Rick its a term that relates winning a 1st with breaking a woman's hymen...but something tells me you knew that already, dirty old goat!

Yep, you are spot on as Frank would say. In Korea we could spot the "cherry girls" (virgins) by their pig tails. Also, you get to pop the cherry only once! Why has this thread rurned into a sex thread?:swoon:
I'm brand new to final expense and insurance sales all together, but I have been a landlord for several years (slum lord whatever you prefer) in the inner city. I once had a tenant who was a hoarder which doesnt sound that bad but she hoarded trash. When I did my first inspection 3 months after her move in there was 3 ft of trash in some places. Also she had backed up the toilet and never said anything to me but continued to use it (filled above the seat). Then used one of those portable toilets and emptying it right off the back porch. It cost me 5k just to clean the place not counting replacing the 3 month old carpets. If you've seen the hoarders episode where the lady hoarded trash and her daughter would cook with roaches on the counter....... My tenant made that woman in the hoarders episode look normal. Worst part I called police, childrens services, and the health department because she had 2 young children one crawling around in the trash the other barely old enough to walk. None of them thought it was a big deal at the time. After I sent pics to Childrens services she was later arrested.

So far worst appointment I have been on was a 10 AM alcoholic guy was a complete ass and was angry at me because he swore I told him the policy was going to be free. :D