Recommendation for personal liability or umbrella policy - NY


New Member
Hi All, can someone recommend a good carrier or agent/broker who does personal liability or umbrella policy in NY?


The agent or company that currently has your home and auto insurance would be a good place to start.
He is right the best place to start is with your current personal lines insurance agent. For most individuals combining the Auto, Home, and Personal Umbrella with one insurer is the most adventageous.

However there are folks with more complex risk managment situations in which having a differnt personal umbrella can be the best/only choice. If you need to do this :The challenge is finding an agent willing to just write the pers umbrella. With good reason, most will not. It might makes sense to speak with an independent agent in New York and have the entire portfolio reviewed. [I have a good contact if you need one, just PM me.]
Just for clarification, what exactly are you looking to cover?

Thanks. I am looking for personal networth or personal assets proection if I get sued for whatever reasons.

In particular, I have a rental property, besides putting the rental ppty in an LLC, I was told that I also need to have a huge umbrella insurance policy to protect my personal assets if there is a lawsuit because of the rental and the judge decides to pierce through the LLC and comes after my personal assets.

Or if I cause someone bodily harm on the streets and it is ruled that the accident is due to my negligence, I would like my personal assets to be protected too.

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