Rx Lists - AEP

We send it out to all our clients every year (probably close to 10k at this point) and probably 20-30% of them fill it out. If a client calls asking if they should change, our first question is did you fill out the review form? If not that get sent before they get to talk to a broker. Intakeq is way cheaper than any other collection method so I would check that out in comparison to jotform, etc. It's also hippa compliant.

We just made it ourselves and have tweaked it over the years. We have a few others - ACA, blank ones to send bank info or mbi info. We still get calls saying I can't open, don't have email but after a few years of keeping it the same clients have learned how to interact. We also use the same software and form for a new client meeting soost clients have messed w it before.

I will say it is a pain but we justify it as a marketing expense....we get tons of referrals and intros to financial advisors by staying in contact w our clients.

Wow close to 10k clients... You must be doing something right. Thanks for the info.

I think the form is great, there is just a lot of questions so I wondered how many people actually get through it. At the scale I'm at right now I prob could ask a lot less questions though since it is easier for me to locate their current policy.

Every AEP I try to get a little bit more organized so I am always looking for suggestions.
There has to be a better way. Is there no automated system that can handle this stuff? It really shouldn't be hard for a CRM to automatically send drug and doctor lists out automatically with a preformed email asking to check the lists.
There has to be a better way. Is there no automated system that can handle this stuff? It really shouldn't be hard for a CRM to automatically send drug and doctor lists out automatically with a preformed email asking to check the lists.

You are probably right, but for someone with 10,000 clients that would take an intense amount of data entry and storage. I also think that people wouldn't review it very closely if 90% of the info was already right, they would just send back that it is fine without actually going and looking through all their pill bottles and doctors etc.

Interesting point about the automation though, I may look at my CRM and think about how I could automate the process a bit for myself
You are probably right, but for someone with 10,000 clients that would take an intense amount of data entry and storage. I also think that people wouldn't review it very closely if 90% of the info was already right, they would just send back that it is fine without actually going and looking through all their pill bottles and doctors etc.

Interesting point about the automation though, I may look at my CRM and think about how I could automate the process a bit for myself

Now I'm curious how someone handles 10,000 clients. He said he emails them (im assuming a mass email) and gets 20-30%, which is 2-3,000 returned. This is the easy part.

What about the other 7,000? Does he just leave them go without any updates and lets them roll with the same plan? No one is calling 7,000 phone numbers by hand to verify Rx and Drs.

If you don't send the review form back you've indicated that you are happy w your current plan/changes, too sick/busy/wealthy to care, etc. Most clients get out into the right plan from day one so there isn't a ton of switching overall. I'm in saint Louis and our mapd plans have been very competitive/consistent for the last 10 yrs so no need to roll people there either.

I'm not trying to hunt down people to fill a form out. Most clients have been in our database for a few years and might take us up ever couple years or not. This year is the first year we did all digital...the last few we did an email blast along w paper mail but that was too confusing/expensive.
Kstein has a team of agents and might even recruit nationally. Id be shocked if an individual agent on the planet has over 3000 Medicare clients . You're going to lose 10% . That means you'd need 3-4 assistants managing the business plus you'd have to write 300 Medicare plans each and every yr to keep the book flat .

Kstein has a team of agents and might even recruit nationally. Id be shocked if an individual agent on the planet has over 3000 Medicare clients . You're going to lose 10% . That means you'd need 3-4 assistants managing the business plus you'd have to write 300 Medicare plans each and every yr to keep the book flat .

Blows my mind you always say you will lose 10% of your book each year. Only ones I lose are the ones who die and it's no where near 10%. If I lost even 5% I would be changing what I'm doing bc it ain't working. I add at least 5 times more a year then I lose. I know you do low income but still seems awful high.
Blows my mind you always say you will lose 10% of your book each year. Only ones I lose are the ones who die and it's no where near 10%. If I lost even 5% I would be changing what I'm doing bc it ain't working. I add at least 5 times more a year then I lose. I know you do low income but still seems awful high.

I wish it were easier to track shrinkage but at a certain point it is easier to add new ones on the pile than to sift through the remainders to find the ones that will jump. Honestly the ones that jump usually go to a plan that is t as good bc they got convinced.

We have 3 primary agents and a support staff of 12-15. Hoping to move some of those support staff to brokers in the near future and hire more staff. I'd say 75% of our business comes from financial advisors and the rest referrals or online search. We send to have a pretty well oiled machine so trying to get heavy into the marketing towards financial advisors
Jumping in . . .

My clients get a monthly newsletter. Starting with August (this year it was July) they are given a heads up to email their current drug list no later than 9/30. Of course you know they are going to do that.

In spite of warning them this year will be different . . . read your ANOC and do NOT just allow your plan to roll over no matter how much you love it.

I think I have about 30 in so far.

This week they will get my AEP newsletter with a summary of premiums, low to high, for each of the 21 plans in Georgia next year. If they have a "SmartSaver" this year they SHOULD know their current plan, and they will be able to see what the 2024 premium will be. Virtually all will see a rate increase between 30 and 100%.

One plan is lowering the premium.

If they want me to "shop" their coverage they need to send me their drug list.

No list, no 2024 report. No phone call. No follow up email.

I also let them know my season stops before Thanksgiving. Don't DARE call or email on 12/6 and ask me to run a report. It won't happen.

A few years ago when Amana doubled the rate I got calls from folks in Feb & Mar asking why I didn't tell them.

Well, I did tell you. 3 times + your ANOC also told you.

Of course they claim they never got it so I tell them to take it up with the carrier.

If they get mad, so be it. We are all adults and I am not your mommy.