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Safeco's study "The State Of Women in Insurance"

"Insurance, you Indenimty me" Podcast

Killer show about women in Insurance and Safeco's latest study/ Article on https://www.agentforthefuture.com/ titled, "The State Of Women in Insurance"

We touch on some tough topics.
The latest Safeco study shows women make up 96% of the industries CSRs.
31% of the agency owners, and make 33 cents less than men.

Watch it and comment!
While women make more than men in some industries, since they are more likely to take time off for children, less likely to work overtime, and less likely to move for a better paying job, then it's not surprising they make less than men on average. Furthermore, we work in a free market economy where nobody works with a gun to their head, so whatever money a person is making, that is a wage they accepted and agreed to. There are a number of women that make more money in my office than me, and a number that make less. Whenever I talk to the women that make less money than me about about what I and the women that make more do, they almost always say the same thing. "Oh, I wouldn't want to do that".

Furthermore, there are several women in my office with advanced degrees. They have taken lower paying jobs by their choice.

I'm tired of hearing about "male privilege". Men are more likely to be homeless, commit suicide, be victims of violence, go to prison, get a harsher criminal sentence than a woman that commits the same crime, loose custody of their children to a women, work dangerous jobs, and struggle in school. "Privilege" my foot.
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^^^^^ I think the National pay discrepancy in the US is like 87 cents to a dollar. In Insurance its 67 cents to a dollar. So if 87 cents to the $ indicative to everything you state above. why the extra 20 cent discrepancy in our industry?
^^^^^ I think the National pay discrepancy in the US is like 87 cents to a dollar. In Insurance its 67 cents to a dollar. So if 87 cents to the $ indicative to everything you state above. why the extra 20 cent discrepancy in our industry?

What part of the industry are you referring to? Sales, office work?
If you torture the data enough you can make it say anything

It happened all the time now

I have never had a sales Job where men made more than women Just because

Everyone usually starts as the same % and gets more based on specific Production Never Have I seen it different except where there is a favorite atmosphere which A doesn't happen that much and B affects everyone not just women

I would be willing to bet there are more men in sales and comparing a top sales rep to an office secretary's salary

Honestly, I do see a lot of women make less in sales and some that make much more

I do think a woman has the potential to make more than men I have seen this

I also see some women don't apply themselves in the right way or let fear keep them into less effective practices rather than more effective activities in the sale, Such as spending too much time doing emails and not enough doing calls things like that

But truthfully the ones that apply the correct methods do well I do think people are more willing to buy from a woman than a man

I do believe most companies are more concerned about who brings in the buis rather than who is male or female
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^^^^^ I think the National pay discrepancy in the US is like 87 cents to a dollar. In Insurance its 67 cents to a dollar. So if 87 cents to the $ indicative to everything you state above. why the extra 20 cent discrepancy in our industry?
By "discrepancy", you mean women choosing to work less hours, choosing to work less overtime, and choosing to accept positions that pay less. That's not a discrepancy, that's the direct result of a clear and willing choice.

In the free market system, I expect they are choosing to make less money in insurance for a variety of reasons.

I know it's very trendy these days to be a victim. But I have far too much respect for women too let you paint them as victims. They are completely in control of the situation.
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All I am saying is if the "Normal" discrepancy between men and women exists for all the reasons you detail above (One can make up their own mind if your list of reasons is legit), and that creates an expected discrepancy of 87/ 100. Why is it magnified in our industry at 67/100?