Senate Panel Kills Schwarzenegger Health Coverage Bill


5000 Post Club
Henderson, NV
Looks like I can stay in business at least one more year....

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Sacramento Bee -

Jan. 28: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger suffered his biggest legislative defeat Monday when a Senate committee blocked his yearlong effort to provide health care coverage to most Californians without insurance.

The $14.9 billion annual plan, hailed as the most sweeping effort by any state to provide near-universal health care, was negotiated by the Republican governor and Democratic Speaker Fabian Núñez but died in the Senate Health Committee.

Only one of the seven Democrats on the panel voted for AB 1X1 -- authored by Núñez, D-Los Angeles, and Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland -- while all four Republicans voted against bill.

Opponents, citing a report released last week by the Legislative Analyst's Office that concluded the plan might be underfunded by billions of dollars, said they were concerned about adding to the state's projected $14.5 billion deficit.

"It doesn't matter how many good things are in the bill if there isn't money to pay for them," said Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica and chairwoman of the committee.

Democrats said they also believed a provision requiring most workers to contribute to the cost of their health coverage would be unaffordable for some families and not ensure adequate coverage.

Republicans warned that another provision requiring most employers to contribute to their workers' coverage would force many small business out of coverage.

Schwarzenegger and Núñez maintained the plan would raise enough revenues to pay for itself through the employer and employee contributions, a fee on hospitals, an additional $1.75 tax on a pack of cigarettes and leveraging the money to increase matching federal funds.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"It doesn't matter how many good things are in the bill if there isn't money to pay for them," said Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica and chairwoman of the committee.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].[/FONT]

Wow, this statement from a person who has proposed more unfunded/underfunded single payor legislation on us than any other.

I love hanging out with my dogs because they don't do politics LOL

Wow, this statement from a person who has proposed more unfunded/underfunded single payor legislation on us than any other.

I love hanging out with my dogs because they don't do politics LOL


I love your dogs as well.

You're correct about that socialist Kuehl. She's been trying for YEARS to introduce a single payer bill and won't quit trying. Fortunately, she can't have too many more years left in the legislature.

Along with most of the Democrats, she believes that the government spend more money than they can take from us.

Hate to say this, but I really believe that our country is doomed. If we don't bankrupt ourselves, we are surely doing it to our children. Fortunately, my wife will kill me well before that.

The liberal guilt that oozes out of the left coast will never cease to amaze me. And they wonder why people with incomes over $150,000 are fleeing the state... they lose half their income in taxes!

That $45 BILLION we sent to Africa over the last two years would have bought (or subsidized) a lot of private individual health policies for low/middle income families.

If you love what the government has done with social security and social entitlements then you will LOVE what they'd do to health care!

Am I the only free market capitalist left?