• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

Set a New Personal Record Today!!!

In 2007 I was in the right place at the right time when a MA carrier became the first plan available in a central CA county. I sent mailings and recall that in a 24 hour period I wrote 16 plans at $500 each.

Best one day was in 1997, working for Secure Horizons. I presented at my 1st restaurant meeting and got 12 enrollments.

It's been all downhill since then.


Downhill is good right?
It is easier to walk down hill, than uphill...
During AEP it's not unusual for me to write 6 MA's along with GTL on everyone of them that qualify. That is a good day's work. Just wish it was that way 52 weeks a year instead of just 7.
During AEP it's not unusual for me to write 6 MA's along with GTL on everyone of them that qualify. That is a good day's work. Just wish it was that way 52 weeks a year instead of just 7.

I'd go nuts if I had to work year round like I do during AEP. No way I could handle that. By December I'm a cranky fella and ready for a break. More power to you if you could handle 14-16 hour days 5 days per week all year long. I can't.
After I typed that I thought the same thing that I would not be able to do that 52 weeks a year. I like working 7 weeks and taking most of the other 45 off.