SOA to all carriers?


Super Genius
If I get a paper SOA and I do an enrollment for ABC supplement plan and XYZ drug company…do I submit the SOA to both carriers? Or can I send it to just one?
What carriers require you to submit the SOA to them? I haven't submitted an SOA to a carrier in probably 4-5 years. I'm old, though, so that estimate may be off... but it feels like a long time.
SOA's a not required for Medicare Supplement plans. And, many PDP carriers don't require you to submit an SOA with the application.

So are you supposed to just hold on to them then? I thought they were supposed to be submitted regardless if the carrier doesnt require it?
What carriers require you to submit the SOA to them? I haven't submitted an SOA to a carrier in probably 4-5 years. I'm old, though, so that estimate may be off... but it feels like a long time.

None to my knowledge…but I thought you were supposed to still submit them. So you just hold onto them physically?
You’ve never been required to submit a soa . I do the soa and print it out and keep it in folders . I also scan and save on my crm and save on a stick of memory . I’ll keep a stick of memory for every yr
You’ve never been required to submit a soa .

Not true.

We used to be required to send them in with the app, or sometimes separately to a different number.

There were these things in ancient times called Fax machines....