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Success, the lazy way

Re: Success, the lazy way.

WOW your very defensive.
It must be something with you sales trainers. You make me laugh!

So I will ask you the same question. Have you ever sold a health plan?

John's a sales trainer? Since when? I thought he was the head of "The Association"

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It always makes me laugh when people try to spin away from a question.

If you have more business on the books than I do then you are doing very very good.

The orginal post was solid. I just wonder if you sales trainers actually practice what you preach?

Please keep correcting me on my grammer since that is all your worried about.

Maybe they didn't realize you meant Kelsey Grammer
Johnny - Caution! Heads Up!

It looks like you may have somebody trying to eat your lunch...right in your own backyard!!!

Figured probably a "PJ Man" disciple, but appears as though he's part of your association?

Interesting to note that you can call him 24/7...wonder if he gets a lot of health insurance calls in the middle of the night?:D

Mr. Health Insurance of Maryland - Mr. Health Insurance of Maryland

He might be a PJ man alumni as he sells the AIM 'guaranteed issue' plan.
Good catch on the spelling error.
I thought I was going to get one over on all you guys.

You guys are quick.
If you have more business on the books than I do then you are doing very very good.

Once again your command of the language is showing. The correct use of English is "very, very well.

Seriously, did you go to high school?

If you'd like some training in the use of the English language, let me know. I won't charge too much. I like a challenge.

You guys are such experts in the insurance business.

Each of you must have a huge block of business.

Agents with your superior sales skills must be in the top 10% of production.