The new site

I love this site (Insurance Forums) and thanks to all who participate with their advice and etc. Bravo to the founder and support team... My only gripe is that it takes almost a minute for each page to load while looking at a black screen. I am running hi speed road runner (of course, what else) and I am wondering if anyone else is having the same problems as I am having.


Hi Al, thanks for your input,

As Sam suggested there are few issues in terms of page loading. We have integrated two software packages, in order to provide better experience and navigation to our members here. The page loading is slightly slower due to the fact that the PHP code on the server will first load up a shell/layer of SD (the software behind the homepage and the navigation menus on top) and then it will load the actual "wrapped" Forum homepage and its relevant threads/posts etc..

Best regards,


I switched my browser to Firefox when viewing this site and the pages load 10 times quicker than with IE. Maybe this advice can help others that were experiencing pages loading slow. They can get the free download at


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