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The Secret To Making Money in Final Expense

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you still here? I thought we exposed you as a "marketer" with all your lead tomfoolery.

Of course I am still here, many on here are about Final Expense and using leads is part of the game. Not worried about trolls who have nothing better to do. If giving positive words to this post about Final Expense is marketing, then color me guilty. - That being said, I will wait until i reach 100 posts before bringing more awareness to my brand, so don't get your undies in a bunch
Just think old Travis has probably made over 3 million dollars since 2008 when he started this thread , wounder how many of the people that requested info ever made any $$$$ in fe,
Just think old Travis has probably made over 3 million dollars since 2008 when he started this thread , wounder how many of the people that requested info ever made any $$$$ in fe,

Funny you should mention that number. I had the pleasure of presenting an award to Travis last fall for $3 million in personal production. :yes:
Jd you must be right at 3-4 mill, I give you guys tons of credit, I couldn't do it

In FE I'm a little over $2 mil. Went over $2 mil in May, 2017. I did right about $1 mil in MP so if you add that, yes.

I have to give Travis a ton of credit for the $2 mil of FE. I could sell before I ever met Travis. But he's a role model for laser focus, organization, motivation, (if you need that? I don't), and just a sounding board for this lonely business.
2 mill in how many years of full time fe?

Feb 1, 2009 was when I cast my lot to go full time FE. Get only FE leads and focus only on FE. I had dabbled in FE as a cross sell mostly. I had already decided that 2008 was going to be my last AEP because of The Debil's, (humana}, new rules and attacks on the independent agents.

I had even dabbled in the Medicare braces, magnets, etc stuff until I realized that was a great big scam. Was looking at Great Western as they promised this great 403b opportunity. Except they wanted us to develop it for them.

I had started with EFES in Oct, 2008 and it wasn't working out. I thought the leads were terrible. Ryan Caras and I couldn't get along. They cut my leads off.

In Jan, 2009 I had a long talk with Travis. He would get my leads turned on again if I would commit to focus on FE and give it an honest shot. I agreed and we set Feb. 1, 2009 as my jumping in date. Then we had the ice storm of the century end of January, 2009.

No power for two weeks. Just a terrible mess. But in my mind a full time agent is going to write $10K per month. I wrote a policy on myself on the last day of Feb, 2009 to get me over $10K for that month. Never been under $10K in a month since.

I did sell one last MA plan in Feb, 2009. So next month will be 9 years since I've written an MA or PDP.

I still sell the occasional med sup. Usually 20-25 sups a year. Although it hasn't been occasional lately. Probably written 20 med sups in the last couple months. I've already qualified for the "fast start" bonus with Equitable National.

That's unusual though. I sell a handful of term cases a year. The med sups and term are usually referrals. I don't prospect for either.

I only get FE leads and only DM leads at that. I work a rigid schedule. I have my call days and my appointment days and they don't mix.
Feb 1, 2009 was when I cast my lot to go full time FE. Get only FE leads and focus only on FE. I had dabbled in FE as a cross sell mostly. I had already decided that 2008 was going to be my last AEP because of The Debil's, (humana}, new rules and attacks on the independent agents.

I had even dabbled in the Medicare braces, magnets, etc stuff until I realized that was a great big scam. Was looking at Great Western as they promised this great 403b opportunity. Except they wanted us to develop it for them.

I had started with EFES in Oct, 2008 and it wasn't working out. I thought the leads were terrible. Ryan Caras and I couldn't get along. They cut my leads off.

In Jan, 2009 I had a long talk with Travis. He would get my leads turned on again if I would commit to focus on FE and give it an honest shot. I agreed and we set Feb. 1, 2009 as my jumping in date. Then we had the ice storm of the century end of January, 2009.

No power for two weeks. Just a terrible mess. But in my mind a full time agent is going to write $10K per month. I wrote a policy on myself on the last day of Feb, 2009 to get me over $10K for that month. Never been under $10K in a month since.

I did sell one last MA plan in Feb, 2009. So next month will be 9 years since I've written an MA or PDP.

I still sell the occasional med sup. Usually 20-25 sups a year. Although it hasn't been occasional lately. Probably written 20 med sups in the last couple months. I've already qualified for the "fast start" bonus with Equitable National.

That's unusual though. I sell a handful of term cases a year. The med sups and term are usually referrals. I don't prospect for either.

I only get FE leads and only DM leads at that. I work a rigid schedule. I have my call days and my appointment days and they don't mix.

You ok if I send you a pm later today?
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