- 25,472
You sound like me 20 years ago when I created my first custom leads.
I did a full size page in full color. Had my pretty face on them and my name, address, phone number and very detailed description on one side about Final Expense insurance and how I worked for YOU not the insurance carriers and would shop your rates and find you the lowest price possible.
The other side did the same but was for term insurance. Both sides had sample rates and clearly told them I was their local independent insurance agent.
It had a tear off postage paid reply card and I did it as newspaper inserts (back when most seniors got the daily newspaper). 10,000 of them cost me around $2500 I think.
Picture me rubbing my hands together waiting for those sweet, sweet, well qualified leads…
Well I got 4- replies. Same quality as any other lead. Thought it was free. No, not interested. Oh, is this about insurance? Same ol’ same ol’
I was a tough student. I did a few more dumb attempts at designing leads that got me people that were ready to buy some insurance. I finally learned that those little generic cards that everyone mails that look like crap are the best lead that has ever existed. I probably spent $10,000 to learn that. So that the guys who came later didn’t have to. Some still have to learn the hard way though.
This triggered flash backs for me.
Pharmacy bags, shopping cart, tear off sheets, door hangers, magnetic door signs, a gazillion Business card designs, 24# ultra white premium paper v 20 copy paper in my printer. Stacks of every company brochures in my office and car, personalized final wishes books, oh and leather policy wallets, Starbucks gift cards. Domains, websites and hosting I never used. Abandoned Facebook business & LinkedIn pages.
I couldn't tell you the last time I carried a business card on me or had a single company brochure in my office.
Wish I had all that time back.