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Top 10 Items That Insurance Agencies Can Do to Make Their Agents More Successful?

As a new guy I would have to say the lack of training is the biggest thing I have run into so far. The next thing would be the use of technology. There is way to much useless paper being pushed around in this business.
As a new guy I would have to say the lack of training is the biggest thing I have run into so far. The next thing would be the use of technology. There is way to much useless paper being pushed around in this business.

Here's what you need to do to get started. Find a good company that writes good term policies. Then see people about mortgage protection. That's it. Do it for 6 months and you'll make good money. In the mean time, learn new products. At the 6 month mark, you'll have a good idea what direction you think you might want to go in next. Not very much training at all required and you'll learn more on the job than you ever would sitting down with someone and learning from powerpoints, etc.
I read these forums and I often wonder what Agencies could do for their agents to help alleviate some of the questions that pop up. For instance Tax advice on how much to withhold, or website develop and important content / news letters.

I want to hear from everyone here what they think an agency should provide an independent agent to make their business more successful. Or, what an agency could provide in a perfect world? Lets talk about how to build the perfect setup that would support all of us in the field!!

1) I'll start, I think agencies should make their own in house power point videos for each product and not just rely on what the insurance companies provide.

Just remember if you use any company names, you need to run it through their compliance dept. In fact, what has been done is to make one with a company name, run it though compliance and then redo it without the company name.
Good questions.

I can speak for the senior market...become a subject matter expert on Medicare and the type of plan you sell. I have seen too many agents try and become a jack of all trades and master of none.

As for taxes, get a good tax guy. Try paying quarterly. Makes it easier to write the check every 4 months then one big one.
Here are some things I'd like to see after being with two different captive companies.

1)Better technology. Keeping updated hardware and software should be a priority and it also helps your business look professional and on top of things.

2)Hardcore training in the beginning and continuous training. Granted this would be for captives and not so much IA's. This helps the new producer/agent (lifeblood) understand not only how to prospect, market, and sell the product but also to understand each companies technology and system. This should also be implemented in each office. How to properly take payments, filing new business, endorsements, etc, x-date system. Even the proper steps you take with a fresh lead.

3)Systems. Some consider this for OCD people, but in my opinion, having a system for near everything helps keeps things in order. This goes along with #2, but can be expanded upon. Once uniform systems are put into an office every employee knows what to do and how to do it and there isn't any confusion, or shouldn't be. If so, retrain.
Better technology is a great reccommendation! I think anyone who is not looking at the impacts of social media and its direct correlation with our business is going to miss the boat. All agencies need to be defining the proper use and frequency of social media.

There are a lot of articles out there that talk about how to gain exposure using facebook, linkedin, Twitter, etc....and how those mediums work hand in hand with a strong website. We are working towards a strategy on how to integrate Industry news that populates from 1 resource to agents, website blogs, facebook, twitter, and linked in....There are so many components involved and I think there is a hidden recipe out there that is going to make some agents very successful.

I'm first gaining understanding on facebook and its impact with the baby boomers...this is a big opportunity and so much information to absorb!
Are you referring to product training or sales training?

The last IA I worked for put 5 of us newbies in an office and said go sell. I didnt have a problem with finding customers but I did have a hard time placing them with a product. Not so much with personal lines but with commercial. The only training we got was from the providers we used. I felt silly having to call them for everything but thats the only way I could have gotten anything done.
I just do not see the value in doing business on facebook.

Everyone I know uses facebook for leisure. Catching up with family, friends, etc. I have never done business on facebook.

Now, my wife uses facebook now and then for referrals from friends for service work. We got our lawn care company this way. Mind you, it was not the lawn care company that contacted her, it was a friend telling her about them.
Give them one good product and show them where it fits. Too many agencies want you to learn multiple products and the new agent gets caught up in analysis paralysis. One product, one market and a mentor to go with them for the first week on appointments.

I agree but I think producers need mentoring for the first 3 years... or at least commercial P&C producers do.