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Websites or Blogs?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I have a question for you guys that market your websites. I have notice between my website I have and a few blogs that I have that my blogs get indexed pretty fast in search engines. For example I can write an article on a blog today and tomorrow someone can search for a certain thing in that blog and find it. Where it could take weeks or months on my website page to get indexed by the search engines. Do you guys that know a lot about SEO think that blogs are easier to get ranked high on a search engine as opposed to regular websites?
Here is my $0.05

I am told that blogs with high traffic that link to websites generate good click through traffic.

I can also tell you that, based on past results, I pick up half a dozen clients or so based strictly on my blog entries. Most of those folks email or call me direct rather than going to my site.

That is as far as I am willing to go without completely showing my ignorance about generating traffic.
One of the algorithms that search engines use to decide how often to visit a site is the frequency of a site's updating. In other words, if there are no changes between visits, the robots visit less frequently. Blogs are updated frequently and therefore are visited frequently.
everyone's talking about all this SEO stuff - I created my blog over a year ago - Google picked up on it - ranked it on the 1st page of certain searches and traffic went nuts. I could spend 10K in SEO and my webite would probably never get half the traffic.
Search engine optimization does not have to be difficult and it does not have to cost anything. Just a few simple tweaks to a site, very elementary stuff, can make all the difference.

For anyone serious about the subject, just invest a few bucks in a book. The best a couple of years ago was Search Engine Positioning by Fred Marckini. I assume it has been updated since I bought it. Anyway, do a search at Amazon.
Blogs are the hot thing right now. Google is always changing the algorithm's it uses. I guess it thinks that blogs are going to be more informative for someone than a site that is trying to sell them something so they rank higher. Also, each time you update it it helps your ranking. You probably don't update your site nearly as often as your blog.

I don't know much but I have been listening to a podcast from the people at webmasterradio.fm It is their SEO 101 podcast. It's a little dry, but that's how computer stuff is I guess, not every industry can be as exciting as insurance.
Sold me first PPC deal today.

Interesting experience.

Client preferred email vs phone, but I did talk to her twice before the app.
The key is to get blog hits to generate website hits which will eventually move the website up in rankings on search engines and, in time, the website will become one of the top listings in a search engine enquiry. Both the blog and the website are equally important to this marketing approach.