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What Kind Would You Sell

Thanks For The positive and helpful feedback dwayne. I've realized this forum will basically just try to bring you down and is full of @moonlightandmargaritas that couldn't tie their shoes by themselves with a few exceptions. I as well will be going in with no plan b and am in the process of getting everything lined out. Just trying to figure out the best route and product for starting from home as I will be. Thanks again!

Here's my roadmap:

1. Started with Colonial Insurance- waste of time. I worked my butt off and reached their objectives and made very little money. Don't waste you time with AFLAC, Colonial, or any of those payroll deduction insurers.

2. Started selling med supps- I did very well at this but found it to be very boring. If you want to get your feet wet this is a good place to start. Med. Supps are very easy to learn and sell. My problem is that I get bored very easily and I didn't find Med. Supps challenging. You may love them. I haven't sold any for quite awhile and I still have nice renewals coming in.

However, it is my opinion that the liberals are going to kill Medicare and Medicare supplements just like they did health insurance and this area of the business is going to change greatly in the next five years. I wouldn't bank my whole career on Med. Supps. I would bet that Medicare supplements will also be offered through exchanges just like Nobamacare. The seniors who wisely invested their money are going to end up paying for those who blew their money and don't have a dime. I guess we'll wait and see.

3. Commercial Insurance- if you want to use your brain, constantly learn, and make big commissions, this is a great place. Commercial insurance is challenging and a lot to learn. That's why I like it so much and I have one client that pays almost $18,000 a year in commissions.

Do what you love and this business will be easy!! A person with a high school diploma can make just as much as someone who has a Phd.


it just seems like everyone is into giving opposite feedback. If you say your going captive- here comes everyone bashing you for going captive and say your going indy and then the other way around if you reverse it. I understand the high fail rate, I own 2 restaurants which is also a very high fail rate but I have been at it for 11 years and haven't failed yet. From what I see insurance has a high fail rate because it takes about 2 hours to pass a test and get appointed so its every persons go to when they lose their job until they find another one- or they simply don't have the funds necessary to hold themselves thru the start. I have the income to pay my way thru any training I need and to live on for a year plus if need be. It will not be part-time..one of my restaurants is in the process of selling with a closing date of march 5th. The other my wife will run and I will succeed at the insurance route regardless of the fail rate or what anyone says. If anyone would like to answer the initial question from this post then I would greatly appreciate it. If your only interested in quoting fail rates and negativity, keep it to yourself and keep using that as an excuse for your failing when times aren't great, but I will look for the positive. Thanks

You have to remember that you are the one who asked for advice. Not everyone is going to agree with you.
it just seems like everyone is into giving opposite feedback. If you say your going captive- here comes everyone bashing you for going captive and say your going indy and then the other way around if you reverse it. I understand the high fail rate, I own 2 restaurants which is also a very high fail rate but I have been at it for 11 years and haven't failed yet. From what I see insurance has a high fail rate because it takes about 2 hours to pass a test and get appointed so its every persons go to when they lose their job until they find another one- or they simply don't have the funds necessary to hold themselves thru the start. I have the income to pay my way thru any training I need and to live on for a year plus if need be. It will not be part-time..one of my restaurants is in the process of selling with a closing date of march 5th. The other my wife will run and I will succeed at the insurance route regardless of the fail rate or what anyone says. If anyone would like to answer the initial question from this post then I would greatly appreciate it. If your only interested in quoting fail rates and negativity, keep it to yourself and keep using that as an excuse for your failing when times aren't great, but I will look for the positive. Thanks

Let's see, I come to a forum, I ask for advice and when people respond with factual information that I don't like I tell them to keep their advice to themselves. Sure thing hoss.

You want someone to tell you which line to sell. My guess is that P&C guys will tell you to sell P&C. FE guys will tell you to sell FE. Mortgage protection agents will tell you to see mortgage protection. Health insurance guys will tell you to sell health insurance. Med Supp guys will say Med Supp. MAPD agents will say MAPD. Shall I go on?

Pick one and run with it.
dwayne thank you again for the road map. Those types of answers is all I was looking for guys and not just people telling me to get ready to ask would you like fries with that or that i have no shot. After you do something for the first time you learn some things and would maybe do it next, just looking to save some mistakes if possible. I wasn't telling everyone to keep their opinions, I was saying if you just want to tell me the fail rate or that I dont have a shot to keep it. Obviously no one here knows me personally or my work ethic-yet I have failed before I even started....If you came on here and asked for advice for opening a restaurant I could d@mn sure save you some mistakes and waste of time given that I have been down that road. I wouldn't just tell you you are already out of business because 9 out of 10 fail in the first year. And sman I don't believe you that every pc guy will tell you pc and so forth, do you think every guy that sells a ford drives a ford? Just thought maybe if someone had a mistake or waste of time they did starting out that they may share it to help others from making the same mistake. Didn't mean to ruffle feathers guys- was just asking a certain question and only got told that I basically failed already. Thanks for the advice though to those that shared and are sharing.
Keep in mind that we get these about once a week. And a few of us are exhausted from either AEP or OEP.

1. Where are you? Downtown Dallas? I would go with renters insurance and Obamacare. The Woodlands? P&C focused on cars and homeowners. West Texas? Look at Farm Insurance.

2. P&C is a tough gig to start with when you don't have an office, because the carriers are loathe to appoint people without an office. (I really don't get this, I don't sell P&C, I'm just repeating what I've heard)

3. Obamacare (Indy health) OEP ends Sunday. Probably not a good time to start selling indy health.

4. Med Supps are year around, but again, where are you located? In SA, MAPD is king and you can't sell that, except to T65's, til AEP

5. FE seems to be a good way to start, I would look at that forum.

Just remember....you are going to starve year 1, eat top ramen year 2, McDonalds year 3 and when you start year 4, if you aren't eating steak, its time to get a new gig.

And I agree with everyone who said "start captive" and get the training. Not just the "how to sell training", but the insurance training.
what would you suggest. Starting from home as indy with little to no experience. Which form of insurance is best suited for this without having to gain all of the cluster with their extensive requirements or franchises with their high fees. Is their a form that is more suited for gaining carrier access given the situation? Thanks in advance for the help.

My vote is to start in the final expense market. Generally speaking, that demographic will not travel to an office, but will have no issues doing doing business with you In their home. They also tend to be less sophisticated and will not have any issues buying from a brand new agent, if they even notice.

The product is easy to learn, easy to sell, easy to get issued, and pays up front commissions, which helps when you are starting out.

On the business side, you will need a few thousand dollars set aside for marketing and travel costs, or you could go slow, keep your day job and work the phones part time to build your war chest.
...I will succeed at the insurance route regardless of the fail rate or what anyone says.
It'll be 24 years in the business for me in April. Care to guess how many times I've heard that?
If anyone would like to answer the initial question from this post then I would greatly appreciate it. If your only interested in quoting fail rates and negativity, keep it to yourself and keep using that as an excuse for your failing when times aren't great, but I will look for the positive. Thanks
I don't think you are looking for advice, you're looking for affirmation. If you don't have one already, you might consider buying a dog...
It'll be 24 years in the business for me in April. Care to guess how many times I've heard that?

I don't think you are looking for advice, you're looking for affirmation. If you don't have one already, you might consider buying a dog...

in your 24 years I can tell how much you have accomplished by the advice you have given...first I should get a job, then be prepared to ask for fries with that, then I have failed before I have started and then I am only looking for affirmation and should get a dog.....tons of help that you are sir. You do realize this is a forum "an insurance forum" at that and people will be here asking for advice? Also...me seeking affirmation would be me saying hey, I am going to sell health..everyone tell me why I should and how I should....Not once have I suggested a certain path, I only asked for advice on a route if anyone had any advice to share with a newbie which obviously you do not.

Thanks to the user for sharing the fe advice, I have spent a lot of time looking into it. And to answer where I am located is in Spring...right between The Woodlands and Houston on I-45