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First off I want to say I have gotten some great advice from many of you out there and it has gotten me a long way in the decision making process! I am currently getting ready to go to my final interviews with NYL and Guardian on Monday, tough call on either but I'm leaning towards Guardian at the moment, just like their approach to the business a little better. My predicament is both companies really are in to this Project 200 thing and I'm just concerned that all my business is going to be coming from friends and family, I'm really not comfortable with that just starting out, and that might be the answer to my question in it's self, but I'm not sure I want to give up on this just yet. Am I reading to much in to this or are they expecting me to start out strictly on sales to friends and family and their referrals. Sorry to be so long winded about this, I'm just really frustrated, I figured big companies like these would at least have some leads to get their new agents going but maybe being a newbie to the insurance business makes me just a little naive. Oh well if anyone can shed a little light on this for me I'd be indebted to them. Again thanks to all of you that PM'ed me the info was a great help.