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What's A Truly Exclusive Small Group Health Lead Worth?

"script "?

You know, I've been around the block more than once.

Who are you ordering from? I thought this was your system?

Please explain. You can pm me if you need to.
"script "?

You know, I've been around the block more than once.

Who are you ordering from? I thought this was your system?

Please explain. You can pm me if you need to.

Yes yes, you've been around the block, blah blah blah. I'm not exactly a rookie at this either.

This is my system, but I buy targeted data rather than using the phonebook. Savvy?

The script we use is tailored to set the stage for what we can offer which is better coverage for less money (usually 20%+ in savings). If you want to us to set the stage different, then we should know so we're not overstating what you can do.
"The script we use is tailored to set the stage for what we can offer which is better coverage for less money (usually 20%+ in savings). If you want to us to set the stage different, then we should know so we're not overstating what you can do."

Let's not go any farther, I was under the impression you had already qualified these leads via contact and it sounds more and more, like you've purchased a list and I'm supposed to make the cold or luke warm call. All I would need is the contact information and best time to follow up.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure you will) these aren't people who have already been contacted, key contact person made, current plan and renewal dates and so on? These are just a list you purchased elsewhere? Are you just doing presets?

You also understand WA is a guaranteed issue state with no underwritting for groups of 2-50.

Let's just forget about it, my spidersense is tingling. So you're just offering a calling service at $200 per lead? is that correct?
"The script we use is tailored to set the stage for what we can offer which is better coverage for less money (usually 20%+ in savings). If you want to us to set the stage different, then we should know so we're not overstating what you can do."

Let's not go any farther, I was under the impression you had already qualified these leads via contact and it sounds more and more, like you've purchased a list and I'm supposed to make the cold or luke warm call. All I would need is the contact information and best time to follow up.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure you will) these aren't people who have already been contacted, key contact person made, current plan and renewal dates and so on? These are just a list you purchased elsewhere? Are you just doing presets?

You also understand WA is a guaranteed issue state with no underwritting for groups of 2-50.

Let's just forget about it, my spidersense is tingling. So you're just offering a calling service at $200 per lead? is that correct?

I really was under the impression that at this point you understood what the lead was and that we had beat that point to death, but for perfect clarification here it is:

The lead is the name and number of a decision maker that has already provided a census and wants to speak to an insurance agent about the company health insurance because they would like to either reduce their premium, improve their coverage, or both.

Not to be a jerk, but I don't think it has anything to do with your spidey-senses, I think you just can't put your money where your mouth is. I've agreed to give you a qualified lead without any money upfront and the only thing you have to lose is potentially a few minutes? If it is a solid lead then you'll have been able to have the most qualified lead a non-licensed person can generate for only $200? Hell, you could even lie to me and say the lead was junk and stick me with the cost of the lead.

Anyone else want to take this offer? Preferrably in a state that pays a decent commission and with an agent that has carriers that are competitive. I won't do it for any newbies, but anyone with some experience and that's been on the forum for a while what to do this?
"Not to be a jerk, but I don't think it has anything to do with your spidey-senses"

Are you making the calls? Give me some background on those you are using. Send me the tract.

I've gone this route before and it wasn't pretty. I had alot of janitors and cashiers become "decision makers" on the lead information. It isn't a matter of putting my money where my mouth is. Been there done that, and my rear finally healed up. Need to see a bit more from you. thanks.
"Not to be a jerk, but I don't think it has anything to do with your spidey-senses"

Are you making the calls? Give me some background on those you are using. Send me the tract.

I've gone this route before and it wasn't pretty. I had alot of janitors and cashiers become "decision makers" on the lead information. It isn't a matter of putting my money where my mouth is. Been there done that, and my rear finally healed up. Need to see a bit more from you. thanks.

Yes, we're making the calls, and plenty of them. What you dealt with was a bunch of amateurs that don't know what a good lead is. At $20/lead they have to push garbage through. Even with good data and a solid phone system it'll take a day and a half to get a solid group lead. Along the way there is some little stuff, but a good lead costs far more than $20 to generate. I think this is a little different for another reason too, the other folks made you give them the $400 upfront, right? I'm not even asking for the $200 until you get a lead you think was legitimate.

Let's talk offline and go from there.