What's Your Best Sales Technique?

About time someone shared an effective technique.

I keep it next to the boards.......
If one has to use "tricks" to sell insurance then that is probably the wrong business for them to be in. What happened to being honest and telling the truth?

Insurance agents have a horrible reputation and using "tricks" is one of the main reasons.

Educate the prospect using factual information presented logically so they can understand it. Help them make well-informed intelligent decisions regarding the type of insurance that will be in their best interest. Don't try to "trick" them into something just to make a commission.

Thanks for this post because it confirms I'm not crazy. I'm new to this business and my manager, while he's a nice guy, wants us to "mindf_ _ _" the prospects (his word, not mine). I'm already having a hard time with the calling and being pushed to embellish is really stressing me out and I think prospects can hear the stress in my voice.
Thanks for this post because it confirms I'm not crazy. I'm new to this business and my manager, while he's a nice guy, wants us to "mindf_ _ _" the prospects (his word, not mine). I'm already having a hard time with the calling and being pushed to embellish is really stressing me out and I think prospects can hear the stress in my voice.

You'll have a short, miserable career if you do as your manager suggests. You'll find out with experience that if you are honest and straight forward, there are people that will buy life insurance from you. No need to lie. Just tell them you're an agent (not planner/advisor, etc.) and ask them if you can show them what you do. People buy life insurance every day because they want it and need it to protect their families. No lying nessesary. Just ask.
You'll have a short, miserable career if you do as your manager suggests. You'll find out with experience that if you are honest and straight forward, there are people that will buy life insurance from you. No need to lie. Just tell them you're an agent (not planner/advisor, etc.) and ask them if you can show them what you do. People buy life insurance every day because they want it and need it to protect their families. No lying nessesary. Just ask.

Thanks. I'm doing life and health and the health is where I'm getting stressed. I've been told to take people who I know won't qualify for a certain company or plan and just let the MIB get them in the interview..."at least you'll get submit pay." Geez....
Best sales tips:
1) Honesty
2) Find a need and fill it
3) Ask questions, then give the client what they asked for while still guiding them with expert advice
4) Don't sell - they can hear it in your voice. Just meet the need and they'll buy it because it's a solution for them.
5) Be a resource of quality information about your product & industry, but also about related fields (like taxes, accounting, medicine, etc.)
6) Repeat #1 above - honesty goes a long way. Clients can sense it.
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You'll have a short, miserable career if you do as your manager suggests. You'll find out with experience that if you are honest and straight forward, there are people that will buy life insurance from you. No need to lie. Just tell them you're an agent (not planner/advisor, etc.) and ask them if you can show them what you do. People buy life insurance every day because they want it and need it to protect their families. No lying nessesary. Just ask.

Briko 3 is right. And you're right, too, Kmuldrow. You can sense that your manager is doing the wrong thing, and you realize that your clients can sense it too. Go with your inner instincts and your feelings about integrity. You can make a lot of money in this business with honesty, and you'll get lots of referrals. Dishonesty and "embellishing" is a career killer, it will upset your stomach, and it's illegal for a licensed agent to do it. Pick integrity even if you have to walk away from this manager, and you'll never be sorry.
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I work in the senior field. I ask what area of insurance most concerns them...and off they go. Most commonly, they like to talk about their prescriptions (seniors love their drugs). Sometimes life, sometimes their supplements. Very few say they have no concerns whatsoever.
Let them lead the way.