Where can I research Part B drugs?


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I need to know for sure if Humira is covered under Medicare Part B. It used to be injected in the doctor's office but now it is self injected at home.

What about Remicade which is given as an IV in a medical facility.

Where can I research the Medicare Part B covered drugs?
You can go to medicare's website or you can google does Medicare Part B cover Humira. Googling has helped me many times to find the answer fast.
Watch dates of google search results as June 2004 is pre PartD. Since PartD -- no more free HUMIRA. Good luck finding a PartD plan that works for HUMIRA.
Humira is listed in the forumularies. PA and QL, as is Remicade.

That is why I included the 2008 in my search. The Humira and Remicade seem to both be Part B covered if for a medicare approved treatment and done in a Drs office or Hospital.
Here's another great program...Humira has a patient assistance program where you may be able to get it for free. There is another program listed that looks like it's disease based for Cronans (however you spell it) where you may be able to get it for free due to the health condition. here's the link...

Patches36: It may be that you Googled ... + 2008. However, your article is dated 2004. This means it is 4 years old. A lot of Medicare rules have happened since then.

insurance0707: I have not had any sucsess with HUMIRA + PartD + Pharmaceutical Assistance Program. I also don't see this drug adminitered in a clinics neither.
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I guess from reading this page from the Remicade web site (updated 01/22/2008) I can take from this that it is covered by Medicare Part B Plus a Med Sup Plan D would cover the bal after the deductible?
In the formulary I read it is covered by Part D, but with PA (Prior Authorization). So, there are hoops to jump through.