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Where Were You when the World Stopped Turning?

I left late night on the 10th and flew to London. Landed early morning on the 11th (London time). Went to my business meeting. A few minutes into the meeting, someone got a page from their wife saying a plane just flew into the world trade center.

We tried to pull up CNN on the computer (no tv's in the office) and got nothing but a small image of the plane hitting the tower.

We stopped the meeting, went to the local pub so we could see it on TV and spent the afternoon there.

Next morning 3 of us had flights to Norway. We had NO idea if the planes were flying or not. We went to Heathrow very early in the morning. Out of the hundreds of times I've flown through Heathrow, this was the only time the place was empty. And I mean empty. People did eventually show up, we caught our flight to Norway.

I was flying back from Amsterdam a week later, back through Heathrow to San Francisco. This was the first day of international flight service being restored. It was a zoo, but I made it.

I got back in time for the Anthrax scare. Somewhere in my travels I had developed a severe leg infection for no known reason. I went to the doctor after I got back. They were very concerned..... Fortunately, antibiotics took care of everything.

The conference I was at in Amsterdam delayed its opening for 3 min to acknowledge the tragedy. To understand the significance of this, it was a broadcaster convention, people who live by the clock. 3 minutes of dead time is unheard of.

It was amazing to see the response of individuals in multiple countries, personally.

I left late night on the 10th and flew to London. Landed early morning on the 11th (London time). Went to my business meeting. A few minutes into the meeting, someone got a page from their wife saying a plane just flew into the world trade center.

We tried to pull up CNN on the computer (no tv's in the office) and got nothing but a small image of the plane hitting the tower.

We stopped the meeting, went to the local pub so we could see it on TV and spent the afternoon there.

Next morning 3 of us had flights to Norway. We had NO idea if the planes were flying or not. We went to Heathrow very early in the morning. Out of the hundreds of times I've flown through Heathrow, this was the only time the place was empty. And I mean empty. People did eventually show up, we caught our flight to Norway.

I was flying back from Amsterdam a week later, back through Heathrow to San Francisco. This was the first day of international flight service being restored. It was a zoo, but I made it.

I got back in time for the Anthrax scare. Somewhere in my travels I had developed a severe leg infection for no known reason. I went to the doctor after I got back. They were very concerned..... Fortunately, antibiotics took care of everything.

The conference I was at in Amsterdam delayed its opening for 3 min to acknowledge the tragedy. To understand the significance of this, it was a broadcaster convention, people who live by the clock. 3 minutes of dead time is unheard of.

It was amazing to see the response of individuals in multiple countries, personally.


My now wife was unfortunate enough to pick up some skin condition that resembled early stage anthrax at that time. She had no idea but she went to the doctor and when they wanted to get a sample the tech in the office was just short of a big hazard suit because the two look so close. It turned out to be nothing, but it put the office eE in a panic for a few minutes.
Sophomore year of High School. I was in between classes when I saw the footage on TV, I was late to the next class bc I was wathing it on the news. I still remember the teacher wrote me up for being late to her class. The rest of that day we just watched news footage in every class