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Which Media Do You Use the Most



Which Social media do you use the most?

Facebook Business Page

and how are your results from it?
i used twitter and fb for business name and linkedin for myself as agent to network personally.

havent gotten a lead from it yet but people are viewing my post about insurance.
Which Social media do you use the most?

Facebook Business Page

and how are your results from it?

Facebook. Don't expect solid leads directly from social media. It's more of a way to engage on what you do and branding. I suggest creating a page about your business and the people who work there. Don't inclued everything you offer. Facebook is a page for someone to get to know YOU.

I use Facebook business page, LinkedIn(personal networking), and Twitter in that order.

I agree with Bob, most of my activity on these pages has been about brand building and strengthening relationships with clients. I can't stress enough the importance of being able to engage my clients on a personal level that is outside our normal business relationship. Also, the ability for those clients to share my posts with others has proven invaluable.
WOW, you guys must be doing things wrong, I get at least 2 quotes a month from my Facebook page.
WOW, you guys must be doing things wrong, I get at least 2 quotes a month from my Facebook page.

What's your facebook page name?
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WOW, you guys must be doing things wrong, I get at least 2 quotes a month from my Facebook page.

Looks like someone's name was stolen here.... but his business looks a little more exciting than yours

Red Blooded American - Products | Facebook
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LinkedIn by a wide margin. Their Executive Suite has been very good to me. I have picked up a few term policies from FB when a friend buys a house or has a baby but I try not to spam my friends on FB. I have hired a social media intern from CSUS and we are working on some email blasts and newsletter that ties back into FB but so far we are still in the planning stages and are about 10 days out from going live.