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EQUITA - Final Expense

Before I contact this IMO I want to know if they are going to
low ball me on the contracts or if they're going to hook me up ?

- I'm a disabled veteran in poor health without the time
or resources to get caught up with the wrong up-lines.

- American Amicable:

- Americo:

- Oxford:

- Presidential:

- Royal Neighbors of America:

- Shenandoah:

Feel free to PM me if need be with your responses.

Thank You
They will most likely start you on a 80-90% contract, start you off with, Royal Neighbors, American-Amicable, and Presidental. They do as many lead drops as they have to in order to get you 15 leads per week. However they will charge 15$per lead so 15x15 225 in weekly lead charge. They will also charge you a 300.00 set up fee, this is to include your first set of leads, business cards, etc... It will take about 2-3 weeks to get set up and rolling... You will either talk with Ryan or Chase. They are using the same direct mail "social security only pays 225 towards your final expense", they everyone else uses. It would be one of the better final expense outfits out there. If you get leads on a monday you are not billed until the following wednesday, so you have nine days to cover your billing charge.
Great to work with! I have been with them 6 months and they are the best. You can trust what they tell you. I have found them to be very flexible with the leads. They have been also offering dialer leads for $10 each by county.
Since this thread was started over 2 years ago I would guess that the guy has made a decision.

As for EFES, they can be the best. I am with EFES and I think they are the best. I have seen many come and go with EFES and those that went did not think it was the best.

If someone is wanting to get into the FE business as a fulltime FE agent, then EFES is most likely the best place to work.

If a person wants to dabble in FE or just add it as a sideline to what they already do, EFES is not for that person.

I'm about to contract up with them. I will be full time, but the only concern I had was weekly lead charge.. I just don't want to commit to a weekly charge until I have some commissions rolling in. Besides that, the program looks great! I'm interested on your feedback on them -- if you don't mind me asking how long have you been with them?

I'm about to contract up with them. I will be full time, but the only concern I had was weekly lead charge.. I just don't want to commit to a weekly charge until I have some commissions rolling in. Besides that, the program looks great! I'm interested on your feedback on them -- if you don't mind me asking how long have you been with them?

A little over two years. That's what I meant about it being for a fulltime FE agent. That weekly lead bill would bury someone that dabbles in it.

EFES has been a Godsend for me. I did $180,000 ap last year and I'm at almost $225,000 ap this year. I get 15 leads per week. There have a been a few month where I bumped my weekly order up to 20 leads. I haven't done that this year.

The weekly order minimum is 15 leads. That's just part of the price you pay to have a protected area. They will not sell leads to another EFES agent in your counties. If you give up a county, then it's fair game for someone else. That's just how it is.

They will work with you after you have been there a while and produce. I stopped my lead flow for the the last two weeks because I didn't want to be out there running appointments now. I will turn the spigot back on for Jan. 1.
I'm not associated with EFES but JD is correct. A FE agent who doesn't work 15-30 leads per week is an agent not making much $$$.

Don't look at lead costs as an expense (although it is a nice tax deduction), look at it as an investment. Where can you invest $225-$500 and make $1000-$3000 back within a couple of weeks?
I had to go to my Wed. night basketball league, I'm back in now.

As for paying for leads every week starting out with EFES, you would only pay for the leads you get. 15 per week is the minimum order, but, unless you are taking over an established area, you will not get 15 right off the bat. You would probably only get 4 or 5 in the beginning.

It takes a while for them to learn a new area and see how many mailers they have to do in order to get your quota every week.

My area is really bad. It took the first six months to get into a groove to where they knew how many they had to mail to get get my 15 per week. If I wanted to up it to 20, it would take 2 to 3 weeks for the extra to kick in since they would have to mail more.

Now, if I quit, someone else could come in here and get rolling right away because they know this area.

The training with EFES is top notch. It's worthless if you don't take advantage of it, though. They subsidize the lead costs. They have a vested interest in your success. You can lower your lead cost with production. The best you can do is $11 per lead. Some say that's impossible the way they figure it, but, I am at $11 per lead and have been for a year and a half. I know two other agents are paying that amount. So, it is possible. It's not easy to get there, but, nothing worthwhile ever is.