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Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

Which side of the political spectrum do you lean towards?

  • Far right (Ultra conservative)

  • Mid right (Conservative)

  • Centrist (Maybe a little left or right but mostly centered)

  • Mid left (Liberal)

  • Far left (Ultra Liberal)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Al3x Lee

I think this is obvious, but I'm curious about your thoughts. What are your reasons for being conservative? If you're not conservative, tell me about that experience in the industry.

Are they?

Where are your statistics?

Whoa, I never promised any statistics, but I have an excuse. I am a millennial, so I will entirely base my argument on the anecdotal evidence of my own experience. This means that anything I say is correct and you have to affirm my beliefs..

But I suppose for a start we can use this
I'd love to see numbers in this.
I see a chit ton of younger Asian and Latino agents.

But yeah, predominantly male.

Demographics are certainly getting more diverse the past 5-10 years. When I first got into the biz, its was very rare to see a minority of any kind. Our NYL office had 2 female agents when I came on board. They hired a few more after that, and 1 black guy. No latinos or other ethnicities. We had 1 closeted (but obvious) gay guy. But from an age standpoint, average age was probably 55.

The overall average age of the industry has come down a lot recently. But id bet that as a % basis, there are more over 50 than any other age sector.

This stat says the majority are over the age of 40 at least. [EXTERNAL LINK] - Insurance Agent Demographics and Statistics [2023]: Number Of Insurance Agents In The US
On financial or crime I would consider myself extremely conservative. On most social issues I probably lean slightly left. But not so far left that I go along with birth males competing against birth females in sports. So I guess that’s right leaning too.

I think most people that are in business for themselves are going to naturally be more on the right. But I know several top agents who are hard left leaning. So I’m not sure the stats matter too much.

Physicans Mutual looks pretty clear where they stand.