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Why I Like the Life Insurance Business


No worries as to my company's permanence.

No shortage in material.

No labor trouble I can't cure myself

I live to create by the stroke of a pen, something that wasnt here yesterday, that is here today, and will be here tomorrow

I like the kind of people I'm associated with

I like to pick the people I want to do business with

I like working at something where the sky is the limit

I like knowing no one has to leave or die so I can make progress

I like knowing when I make dollars, my client makes many more

I like the security that comes with my rewards and NYLIC contract

I get a thrill out of influencing my client's minds to sound conclusions for their benefit

I like my independence more than anything else
Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

Nice post. You're right, the sky is the limit!
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And as far as influencing clients, you are in a unique position to influence them to make positive choices in their financial life. Deterring them from bad choices is an awesome feeling. My work isn't exactly in insurance, but tied into it and I work with insurers on a daily basis. Judging by your post, you're one of the good guys out there. There's some shady characters in the industry like any other. I love to bust those out for their bad practices.
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Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

"I like knowing when I make dollars, my client makes many more"
Explain this one for me please.....
Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

"Explain this one for me please..... "

Honestly? that has to be explained to you?
My wife made up some prank slogans / tag lines for me to put on business cards. She took them to her office one day to survey which ones the people liked best. Mind you they were meant to be jokes, but the favorite ones were...

"I don't get paid until you get paid"

"Making money for you makes money for me"

"I get paid to make you rich"
Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

"I like knowing when I make dollars, my client makes many more"
Explain this one for me please.....

I just saved a Married Couple $1,200/yr on their Medicare Supplement insurance. Same coverage, same benefits.

I'm going to earn a commission on the sale, but the commission is NOT $1,200/yr. That is just one many examples of how financial products help both brokers and clients...

Look at annuity sales. You might make $5K-6K on $100,000 annuity but over the course of the annuity the client made $20K-25K.
Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

I thought we (the OP) were talking about life insurance here. When we make money when we sell a policy, they won't see any (more) money unless they keep the policy for the long term.

Thus, the statement: I like knowing when I make dollars, my client makes many more is not true. Call it semantics if you wish.

Why not say: I like knowing when I make dollars, my client can potentially make many more
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Re: Why I Liike the Life Insurance Business

I thought we (the OP) were talking about life insurance here. When we make money when we sell a policy, they won't see any (more) money unless they keep the policy for the long term.

Thus, the statement: I like knowing when I make dollars, my client makes many more is not true. Call it semantics if you wish.

Why not say: I like knowing when I make dollars, my client can potentially make many more
That may be true if all you sell is term. Not correct at all if you know how to show your client how to use permanent life insurance to its maximum potential.

And the cash value is just one piece of the puzzle.