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Why Write The Cheapest Company


100+ Post Club
Over the last several months it has become apparent to me that a large percentage of the FE clientele really doesn't care about prices as much as you think they do. It is more about you the agent coming out and taking care of it for them. I mean look at Senior Life and the more expensive companies they still have lots of policies on the books.

That being said why not write the companies that pay you the most money in the long run. Why write for these companies that pay very little like KSKJ life and others.
Over the last several months it has become apparent to me that a large percentage of the FE clientele really doesn't care about prices as much as you think they do. It is more about you the agent coming out and taking care of it for them. I mean look at Senior Life and the more expensive companies they still have lots of policies on the books.

That being said why not write the companies that pay you the most money in the long run. Why write for these companies that pay very little like KSKJ life and others.

Because putting the client first is simply the right thing to do. Not only that, it helps keep the business in the house should some other agent do a comparison.
Because putting the client first is simply the right thing to do. Not only that, it helps keep the business in the house should some other agent do a comparison.

It has to be good for the agent as well as the client. Christian Fidelity has very low premiums but you don't see a bunch of agents jumping on that train as their primary carrier.
Over the last several months it has become apparent to me that a large percentage of the FE clientele really doesn't care about prices as much as you think they do. It is more about you the agent coming out and taking care of it for them. I mean look at Senior Life and the more expensive companies they still have lots of policies on the books.

That being said why not write the companies that pay you the most money in the long run. Why write for these companies that pay very little like KSKJ life and others.

My experience is just the opposite. The vast majority of the FE market puts price as the number one concern.

And why can't the agent take care of them the same even when he has given them the best deal?

I just had this discussion with a captive trans agent. He was whining about being replaced so much and he couldn't understand it. He did so much service and he even went to client's funerals. I told him he should go to the funeral and apologize for charging them $30/mo more than they could have gotten the same coverage for.





Price is only a a part of the value an agent brings to the table. If it is all we bring then we are easily replaceable.

I would 100% disagree with that in the FE market. If they are with the best price on whole life it will not be replaced, or rarely replaced, even if they have not seen their agent in years.

I see that every day working the FE market. And I do much more service work than the average agent. But if I can't beat the price they aren't changing unless there is some other mitigating factor. The 1%'ers that are replying to DM or TM are not replying because they haven't seen their agent.
A general rule of thumb is that whatever you are selling needs to be priced within 20% of the competition or you will have some heavy lifting on your hands. But in FE I would peg it at 10% to be safe. I mean, to some of these folks, 20 or 30 bucks a month is the difference between a comfortable home or sitting under blankets all winter.:sad: Obviously, us FE agents need to keep this in mind or suffer the consequences (100% chargeback anytime before the 13th month?). Ouch!:swoon: