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AHCP--Holy Crap!

I love how HCO says they will continue to give 6 months advance, but they don't tell you the cost.

Plus who do you think owes all of the debt???? The agent does. Yes, let's run out and take out a bunch of loans right now with HCO.
I love how HCO says they will continue to give 6 months advance, but they don't tell you the cost.

Plus who do you think owes all of the debt???? The agent does. Yes, let's run out and take out a bunch of loans right now with HCO.

Stop planning ahead...that's not what health agents are supposed to do!
1. Go Buy a handcuff
2. Strap on to the Obama Care Titanic
3. Keep selling with advances that can get retroactively jacked by the carrier.
3. Sink to the bottom of obama care & go get a job as a community organizer, who knows you could be the next president!!!!
8% first year, 2% renewals. Take it to the bank.

This wouldn't surprise me. Oregon insurance laws are fairly restrictive and that's about what the broker commission levels look like here... Some even worse.

As John mentioned above, the answer is not adding supplemental to the mix and "stacking" as some people like to call it... The answer is likely transitioning to other lines of insurance.

If you're not already selling a boatload of supplemental stuff what makes you think you'll be able to after January 1st?

Just my $.18...