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Anybody Have Experience with Unique Writers

Well lets see if you guys put down the pitch forks and tiki torches long enough for me to answer here. Half of you have no clue what you are even talking about so its funny to see some of your reply's. I never said we wouldnt release, i said i dont have the power to make that call. Lets get to the questions..

1. I dont see any reason to hold up the contract once debt is paid considering we released the 3 agents before that with zero problems and they had zero debt. (Though what im gathering from this is from now on dont work with Brad and if debt is owed for any reason its better to lock up all contracts instead)

2. Absolutely agree, i have already made that clear in precious posts. A lot of you seem to have a herd mentality and seem to read what you want and follow suit from there.

3. No i want defend it.

4. If situations were reversed, Brad had released an agent to us except the agents main contract and said he owes us money, last thing i would have done is threaten to go the forums and complain about his company (way to follow up on that threat from 5 months ago by the way) These are independent agents we work with, on top of that Grown Adults. I dont call to speak for my agents when money is owed. I tell my agents please dont take the Ostrich approach in stick your head in the sand. If that agent left them with debt very real they could leave you with debt. Brad in my opinion shouldnt be the one calling to try and get this cleared up. JD is right, pay the debt then if the agent is still not released please flame away. You have every right at that time.

5. This all ttook place last spring, you have the agent at extremely high contracts and pay for his mail drops. Just curious why his contracts havent been released yet then?? Its clearly been over 6 months right? If no money is owed shouldnt they just release? He shouldnt be writing business with them if you are paying for his leads. If no money was owed they would release right. Now not to sound too important because i do learn from these forums as im not in the field as much as i used to be, and i do read some great topics on here, this one is a waste of energy and time and Im done talking about it because as i said before i was just trying to help. None of this was my agent or had anything to do with me. Raise your Torches and pitch forks and continue on!
This isnt a High School Courtyard, its a forum for Professionals and grown ups. Start acting like it MustfastPitch.I answered your questions and you still have a poor attitude which tells me all i need to know about what type of person you are.