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Assisted Suicide


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A nice house. A seemingly normal couple. Paid off mortgage. Screamed they didn't want life insurance, when I suggested it. They wanted burial insurance. Perfectly normal, then it happened

He asked me if the policy would pay out if he off'd himself through physician assisted suicide. I told him "Not in the first two year." And that it would take longer than 2 years for Indiana to push something like that through the legislature.

Thats a first!:swoon:
I've had a few ask if it covers suicide, but none specific to assisted,...that's a weird one indeed...

"Yes it will cover you after year 2, and it will cover you out of state to have the procedure, and let's see, in two years you've only paid in $1k, so I'd say you're coming out ahead on that one"

Geez what are you going to say...
Massachusetts voters defeated an assisted suicide law, but the law would have required the underlying disease and not suicide as the cause of death.

Are the laws in place in approved states set up this way?

If the death certificate says ALS, for instance, how would the insurer know it was suicide?
On a fairly serious note, one of the agents on here had someone that bought life insurance specifically for that purpose and went through it without doc assistance. That's a real tragedy.
On a fairly serious note, one of the agents on here had someone that bought life insurance specifically for that purpose and went through it without doc assistance. That's a real tragedy.

I've had it happen within a couple months of buying a policy. An agent I worked with had it happen within the same day as buying the policy.

I also had a guy sell me a motorcycle for cash that went home and hung himself within an hour. That one still feel terrible on that one because I definitely sensed something was very wrong. Should have called his daughter but didn't act on my suspicion.

If they take meds for bi-polar or serious mental conditions or just seem like something is seriously wrong, don't take it lightly.
I've had it happen within a couple months of buying a policy. An agent I worked with had it happen within the same day as buying the policy.

I also had a guy sell me a motorcycle for cash that went home and hung himself within an hour. That one still feel terrible on that one because I definitely sensed something was very wrong. Should have called his daughter but didn't act on my suspicion.

If they take meds for bi-polar or serious mental conditions or just seem like something is seriously wrong, don't take it lightly.

What kind of motorcycle?

Massachusetts voters got it wrong! They defeated a bill that would have humanely ended lives for those of no possibility of getting better. This is a personal one for me. My uncle died a painful death from ALS. Had this bill been in place he could have went on his terms and ended his daily suffering. Every minute of every day he suffered. I watched him slip away from being an active, fit, guy do being paralyzed in his own body. He had trouble eating,talking, breathing, bathing.. He was able to communicate very very basic stuff then lost that ability. He asked me to smother him with the pillow to end his suffering. It took over 2 years of him suffering to finally pass. Why anyone would not allow him to go is beyond me. Its actually selfish. Voters who voted in against this bill are nothing but selfish cowards. So what we can put a a dog down who is suffering beyond help but not a human. Losers. He should have been able to go and avoid this horrible disease.