Gwen Redington
I've gone broker with my FMO, and while I still have access to MedicareFinder, it's not terribly useful as a CRM. I have all my clients in there, and can do comparisons and have drs/meds, etc listed, which is nice year to year. Unfortunately, 2 of my contracted companies are not through the FMO and so they aren't listed when I'm doing quotes unless I take an extra step, and I cannot do any enrollments with those two companies through this system. I cannot do bulk emails, I don't have integration with my google calendar, etc etc etc.
I am a little fish, no plans on setting up an agency, no downlines, etc, etc. Just me doing insurance ftf (Medicare, Med Supp, PDP, ACA, LI, DVH and some ancillary products)
So I'm looking for a decent CRM that isn't too complicated, geared toward us independent one man operations, and is as inexpensive as possible. Another agent friend of mine told me he uses "less annoying CRM" and likes it. It seems like it'd be a great option for me and the price is certainly right. Are there any users of LACRM on here? What do you like and dislike about it?
Or are there other options similar? CRMs dedicated to very small operations?
I am a little fish, no plans on setting up an agency, no downlines, etc, etc. Just me doing insurance ftf (Medicare, Med Supp, PDP, ACA, LI, DVH and some ancillary products)
So I'm looking for a decent CRM that isn't too complicated, geared toward us independent one man operations, and is as inexpensive as possible. Another agent friend of mine told me he uses "less annoying CRM" and likes it. It seems like it'd be a great option for me and the price is certainly right. Are there any users of LACRM on here? What do you like and dislike about it?
Or are there other options similar? CRMs dedicated to very small operations?