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Difference between driving 75 in a 65 zone vs 85?

What is the difference? They are both breaking law, right? I am just curious what everyone thinks since there are so many "it's the law" nazis on the forum.
One gets you a ticket, the other also gets you a trip downtown (depending on the cop). I assume you are comparing driving 75 versus 85 in a 65 zone. There is also a ticket for driving too slow, typical minimum speed is 20 or 30 MPH less than the speed limit.

Also, insurance will break it down. Some have speeding and then excessive speeding for violations, others companies break it down even finer.
Would we all agree that going over the speed limit even 1 mph is breaking the law, the difference is the likely hood of getting caught and the seriousness of the sentence, fine, etc.
Up to the officer in many cases. Once I was stopped in NC about 75+ in a 55. Officer was nice, he lowered the amount I was over so he didn't have to arrest me. Still got a ticket but he gave me a break. Sooo glad he did.
Would we all agree that going over the speed limit even 1 mph is breaking the law, the difference is the likely hood of getting caught and the seriousness of the sentence, fine, etc.

Why don't we cut to the chase, chase, and you tell us where you are going with this. Obviously it isn't a serious question but a setup to something else.
Up to the officer in many cases. Once I was stopped in NC about 75+ in a 55. Officer was nice, he lowered the amount I was over so he didn't have to arrest me. Still got a ticket but he gave me a break. Sooo glad he did.

Yep, cops do that a lot. I suppose it technically makes the entire ticket invalid since he is swearing to false information. But I'd rather just thank him and pay the lower ticket versus fighting it and they stop doing it.

Last time I got pulled over, it was a speed trap. They seemed more interested in warrants and insurance, beyond just slowing people down. He told me he was marking it down and most likely city court would dismiss it at the slower speed he indicated, which they did.