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Dont Understand Life Insurance Jobs

I personally do not like to recruit at all, so I do personal sells.

I went to an opportunity meeting once and signed up! Yes it's very easy to get people to sign up without knowing how their going to be comped! You just get caught up in the excitement of "being in business for yourself, but not by yourself!"

Seriously though, please consider this: If you don't want to recruit and only want to do personal sales, you're not going to go very far with WFG. Look at your compensation sheet. (mine's from 2009 so it may not be up to date) You start out as a training associate with a 25% contract. You need 3 direct legs underneath you to get bumped up to an associate at 35%!

The whole idea in WFG is to get to Qualified Marketing Director (QMD 65%) as fast as you can! You can't get there with personal production alone! The money made in WFG is through overrides, and the only way to get overrides is to keep filling the pipeline with new recruits. Your entire sales funnel is based on recruiting!

I didn't grasp this at all, while I was there. And I had no "warm market" to speak of. I just wanted to go door to door!

So if you're happy just doing personal sales, I would seriously consider starting the transition into learning about how to truly get yourself set up as an independent agent.

This is a good place to start:

Independent Life Insurance Agent Association

If you think you're truly independent with WFG, ask your upline manager if they would be okay with you placing some life business with other carriers outside WFG. A true independent can write for whoever they want!

I'm kind of in the same situation as you are! I'm with a organization that's big on recruiting!

It's a bit humbling to come on here and find out what the real world of insurance sales looks like! Until I found this website, I thought 60% life insurance contracts were pretty lucrative! I didn't know what I didn't know!

But I know how hard it can be to walk away from your book, especially when/If you got some decent renewals coming in, to start all over, even at much higher contracts!

But if you stick with WFG, you might as well buy ALL THE WAY IN, get out of your comfort zone, and start following "the system", which is to build a huge baseshop, which is going to take tons of recruiting!

Just don't try to recruit on this forum, because I'm sure by now, you got a pretty good idea how well that will go over!:D
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Ok so this is it iam about to close my store i didnt have enough money to stay open and i have to pay 3500 a month thanks everyone
Ok so this is it iam about to close my store i didnt have enough money to stay open and i have to pay 3500 a month thanks everyone

A store? Please don't tell me you had a store and expected people to come to it to buy life insurance?
No I went out there tried to get business on my own. I got some but not enough I needed more time to learn about life, health and commercial sales.
I'm going to do some cold calls on Monday well see how that works out.
Why the expense of an office? A home office works well and is a write off. Once you have disposable cash then get an office if you feel it is necessary.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
No I went out there tried to get business on my own. I got some but not enough I needed more time to learn about life, health and commercial sales.
I'm going to do some cold calls on Monday well see how that works out.

Why Monday? Go do it now.

I think this is a troll...
Sorry to hear about your situation. Overhead is a small business killer. Costs for some things seem so simple in a bigger shop, but kill a small one.

I questioned your interest in life without really knowing anything. Then you mentioned 8 years P&C and then it made sense. The grass is always greener on the other side. I didn't really take up P&C myself because I don't like golf that much.