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Doorknock T65 Leads?


I DONT like to call leads--no matter how brief I am I get --I didnt send that in, how much is it, I dont have time, call me back etc etc etc.

I can and will call leads but--these are the first T65s I have gotten--I need to SELL them not burn them up!

When I show up, I am well dressed, smile, non-threatening--I hand them the copy of the card in THEIR handwriting so theres no question why I am there.....and I am in the door

So here are questions for those that DK T65 leads:

* Is there anything best said at the door? Different than getting in with FE?

* These are NOT in close geographic areas--do you wait for a number to show up and work geographically--or just work them when they are "HOT?"

* How often do you close on the first visit? With carrier provided leads, they called the carrier and got info--I called and qualified them so the visit is often set with the stated goal of enrolling. Do you close on first visit?

Any help is appreciated!
I've gotten about a third of my clients by DK'ing T65s. Our agency sends out 2 separate mailers a couple months apart to those turning 65. When they fill out the card and send it back, we have a few telemarketers that try to set appointments with one of our agents to meet with them. When they can't get a hold of them on the phone, there were only one or two other agents besides myself willing to DK those leads.

I'm like you: I really hate the phone, but I never minded knocking on their door with a card in hand that had their handwriting, telling them who I was and why I was there, and simply asking them "have you had a chance to talk with anyone about your Medicare options yet?" I've knocked on close to 3,000 doors in the last 3+ years and I've only had 1 person slam the door in my face. It's easy for people to be jerks on the phone but very hard when they have to look you in the eye.

My numbers were: for every ~20 doors I knocked on, I'd sell a policy. This is counting either the T65 lead or the spouse, but not referrals. Granted it's not the most time-efficient way to get clients, but I actually enjoyed prospecting this way. It got me out of the house and in front of people on a fairly regular basis. I don't know how many I closed on the first visit, but if I'd have to guess, probably less than half. My goal was to really book an appointment when I knocked; if they invited me in and I wrote it right there, that was just gravy.

I'd only ever go to knock on a door on two separate occasions. I figure any more than that it's a waste of time since there's a good chance they're either still working or just not answering the door. My favorite time to knock was 4-7pm, since that's when I found the most people home. Saturday was actually my most efficient day. I didn't DK much on Saturday, but when I did I found more people home and typically in a much better mood than during the week. Also, you want to DK sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the more likely it is they've already signed up for their plan, and it's almost impossible to get their business at this point because they're relieved to have made their decision and don't want to think about it anymore.
Wow well you just confirmed a lot of what I was thinking

Look them in the face

Hand 'em their handwriting

Do it soon

I was thinking about this today---when you start at a retail store at age 18 they tell you "DONT say can I help you! THATS a question they can say NO to" Say "Thats a great price" or "thats a great stereo" etc.

Attorneys always say "Never ask a witness a question you don't already know the answer to" Guess we kinda do the same

Three of the first four I got they even put EMAIL addresses on them--man was I tempted. But held my fire

OK will report back
knocked on close to 3,000 doors in the last 3+ years


for every ~20 doors I knocked on, I'd sell a policy

That's 150 sales over 3 years. About 50 sales a year, 1 a week. Correct?
That's 150 sales over 3 years. About 50 sales a year, 1 a week. Correct?

Between 125-130 T65s and spouses. This number doesn't include any referrals or upsells from them. I only knocked on a few doors in 2012 and this year, so mainly those results are from 2013, 2014, & 2015. So, a little less than one per week.
I can't remember anyone in the last few years ever saying to me, "I didn't send in any card". You know why? I don't ask them if they sent one in. I say I just got a card you filled out in regards to your upcoming Medicare in September, you're starting Medicare for the first time In sept right? They answer that question, not that they don't remember sending in a card.
I dont make it a question I state "You sent a card in a couple of weeks ago"

NO I DIDNT--Well I have it right here in your handwriting....Joe Smith etc


If I dont get that I get

No I wont talk to ANY PHONE SOLICITOR send it in the mail
How much is it
WHO are you? WHY do you have the card

etc etc etc all the stuff this site has been over and over and over

I find I short circuit all that by handing them the card in THEIR handwriting.

A carrier mailed with Target last year and sent me the cards--and I killed it

This year they just sent me the names and numbers--and sales were half. Because their kids, the cops, the news EVERYONE tells them DONT TALK TO ANYONE ON THE PHONE
Door knocking is a great way to get your foot in the door on T-65. The thing you have to remember is that these people are getting bombarded from all sides on the phone, so by showing up it is a path of least resistance for them.

.......Caution .......

When you door knock T-65 leads you better only talk about a supp. even if they have mailed a lead card back in you cannot DK MA's.
Ok did my first door knocking the T65s--did not go well

With $0 to $25K FE leads and age 71--people are sitting around watching Andy Griffith during the day.

The leads I am getting are in FAR FAR nicer areas-which makes sense--planning ahead!

And they are not home

And I am getting them too fast

So doesn't look like DK is gonna work anyway

So whats the RIGHT thing to say on the phone?

Amazingly almost all of them gave their email address. Tempted to send an intro email!

Ok did my first door knocking the T65s--did not go well

With $0 to $25K FE leads and age 71--people are sitting around watching Andy Griffith during the day.

The leads I am getting are in FAR FAR nicer areas-which makes sense--planning ahead!

And they are not home

And I am getting them too fast

So doesn't look like DK is gonna work anyway

So whats the RIGHT thing to say on the phone?

Amazingly almost all of them gave their email address. Tempted to send an intro email!


Few questions,
How many did you do...if you knocked 10 doors and said this is no good there is part of the problem.

What time of day did you do the DK. Many of these people will go do their thing in the morning and are home in the middle of the afternoon.

How many did you actually talk to...

So far there is not enough information to give you any advice.