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Family First Life IMO


New Member
Anyone work for or have any experience with Family First? Same business model as Symmetry and Equis but start out at 80% commission and max out at 140%. Shocked when they told me their best leads push $60 per. Also don't have to sign contract (not sure if that's good or bad thing). They don't own their mail house (also not sure if good or bad thing but may explain high cost of lead). Really like the IMO business model but struggling to choose company. Didn't get best vibe from Equis, like Symmetry but 60% concerns me and don't know enough about Family First. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone work for or have any experience with Family First? Same business model as Symmetry and Equis but start out at 80% commission and max out at 140%. Shocked when they told me their best leads push $60 per. Also don't have to sign contract (not sure if that's good or bad thing). They don't own their mail house (also not sure if good or bad thing but may explain high cost of lead). Really like the IMO business model but struggling to choose company. Didn't get best vibe from Equis, like Symmetry but 60% concerns me and don't know enough about Family First. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Those commissions are very low and that lead cost is very high.
Hi. So the leads being that high only, is the farthest from the truth. I have been with FFL for 2 years and have run my production on new leads from 3$ to $54 a pc. I also receive extremely high compensation for the business I write, so the lead cost is IRRELEVANT. I Had never been in insurance before. all of my training was free and I finished top ten out of over 800 agents. You don't have to sign any contracts because you aren't captive. So if you want to leave, you just get released. There is no 6 month waiting period to be released like every single other place requires. Also, the leads are exclusive to you. We also have access several lead vendors.
One other thing, we are being bonuses an additional 8% on top of already high comp right now. Just. For. Fun. Lol!

Any other questions I will be more than happy to personally answer.
Leslie.lshfinancial at gmail.
Comp level & lead cost is important but not as important as training & support. I started at an agency with 60% contracts. I didn't make much money while I was there BUT since I got such great training I am still in the biz full time.

If you can find someone to mentor you & spend a lot of time with you & you make 6 figures for the rest of your life... how much is that mentorship worth?
Comp level & lead cost is important but not as important as training & support. I started at an agency with 60% contracts. I didn't make much money while I was there BUT since I got such great training I am still in the biz full time.

If you can find someone to mentor you & spend a lot of time with you & you make 6 figures for the rest of your life... how much is that mentorship worth?

You also don't reply to phone messages, email messages or Text messages.

I don't think you should ever mention Mentorship or try recruiting. Especially on an open forum
Anyone work for or have any experience with Family First? Same business model as Symmetry and Equis but start out at 80% commission and max out at 140%. Shocked when they told me their best leads push $60 per. Also don't have to sign contract (not sure if that's good or bad thing). They don't own their mail house (also not sure if good or bad thing but may explain high cost of lead). Really like the IMO business model but struggling to choose company. Didn't get best vibe from Equis, like Symmetry but 60% concerns me and don't know enough about Family First. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I heard Ben Boman at Efes is hiring starting at much higher contracts with fixed lead costs. I've worked for Shawn Meaike when he was over at NAA. I watch him take peoples teams from under them, promise the world and offer nothing. He's just like Andy Albright, only cares about himself
Anything below 100% commission should either be a significantly reduced lead if not a totally "free" lead platform.

To be at an 80% comp with $60 leads can be a formula for disaster.

What kind of leads run that high anyway?
You also don't reply to phone messages, email messages or Text messages.

I don't think you should ever mention Mentorship or try recruiting. Especially on an open forum
Matt, you're a smart guy, right? You were trying to buy leads from me when I'm not a lead vendor. I know you're mad I wouldn't sell any to you but there's no reason to compare apples to oranges.
