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Favorite Sales Book

If you like short books, have you read "The Greatest Salesman In The World" by Og Mandino? 111 pages.
The sequel to this, The Greatest Miracle In The World, impacted me much more than the Salesman book. The first time I went through the 100 day program was 1984. The results were out of this world and I go back to a hard cover version of The God Memorandum (a chapter in the book) frequently. You can YouTube or download it for free.
60 seconds to yes. Don Spini.

Living a life of significance. Joseph Jordon.
A great book for Life producers.
24 closing techniques by Brian Tracy (free on YouTube).

Anything by Brian Tracy really.
The Holy Bible.
King James Version.
All of Life's insights, from the Creation of Man, to the foretold destruction of Mankind.
The Holy Bible.
King James Version.
All of Life's insights, from the Creation of Man, to the foretold destruction of Mankind.

I agree with the Bible recommendation. Although I grew up with and like the KJV I recommend whatever version you can understand. On my iPad and iPhone I use the Bible by LifeChurch.tv. Many versions available and several of them free.
It's interesting that y'all bring up the Bible. What you say is true, but Jesus himself was a good salesman. I once worked for a Christian agency and one of our trainers pointed this out.

He used some of the very techniques that Tom Hopkins teaches in one of his books. If you have read Hopkins' books you might recall. I can't recall the title, but the one with the Porcupine, Reduce to the Ridicules etc. techniques.

Jesus used the one, I can't recall the exact name, where you answer a question with a question, in particular. Then, he went on to recruit a team of 12 and each leg of his team recruited and on down the line. Of course Jesus didn't get any commission or override, neither did his team. In monetary terms that is, they just earned everlasting life.