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Final Expense Funny Happenings

As far as I know, there are not really many Slovic or Ukrainian clients available in Tennessee or surrounding states. Mainly just Hillbilly's, most of which are serious rednecks and/or former moonshiners.

Reminds me of another final expense story with one of the above:

Another agent and I have an appointment at a home about 500 feet off a gravel road, where we had to "ford the creek" and are welcomed by three very loud singing hound dogs from about a 300 foot distance. The man in overalls about 6'6", and at most weighing 160 lbs opens the screen door and standing on the front porch (in Tennessee almost all older rural homes have front porches), starts telling the dogs to be quiet (and not bite or attack us). In East TN when the dogs are called off, you feel pretty much welcome.

We were working out of funeral home and had been previously warned of a lot of the above before we went, and had been told that this man had done about 3 years in the pokey for "moonshining". But, he was one of the best "Moonshiners" in the county. So, the setting was about what we expected.

We sucessfully closed our insurance appointment, and the man asks, "You boys ever drunk any moonshine?". Both of us said yes, but it had been a long time. "Would you boys like some?" We asked him how much and it was like we had insulted him, he informed us fast that he gave it away to people he liked.

He told us to sit still and he would return "in a few minutes". We sat in his living room about 15 minutes and he returned with 2 very cold, clear-as-water quarts. We thanked him, left and decided his stash was stored in his creek. He liked us, but not enough to let us see where he had it hid.

Darn moonshine was soooo smooooth you almost didn't have to mix it with anything. But, it would knock you on your a**. My wife warned me that moonshine had killed many people, but I told her not to worry, my life insurance was paid and we knew this was from a quality shine maker, with a "great reputation".

Only in East Tennessee, back in the good old days.
I had an appointment to write an app on a 60 or so lady. As I walk in the door she is sitting in her chair with an open beer in one had and the next one ready on the side table, half a dozen empty on floor. We chatted for a while before proceeding into the app. She went through 4 or 5 beers. As I move through the questions I get to and have to ask 'has the proposed insured ever been diagnosed or treated for alcohol or drug etc'... She looks at me and says "Son, I believe you already know the answer to that question."
My brother and I were in cosby tn last year running med supp appts. I know the Moores know where that is lol. Well, I couldn't find the darn house and wound up knocking on the wrong door, lady won't open the storm door and tells us she doesn't know the folks we had the appointment with.

As we are going back to the car, my brother motions for me to look behind me. A guy wearing overalls has come around the back of the doublewide, and has a .22 rifle pointed at us! I quickly put my briefcase down and shouted at him to please put the gun down, that we were at the wrong house. Damn rednecks. He pointed it at our feet and wouldn't speak. We couldn't get out of there fast enough. I called 911 and they sent someone out there, met a cop down the road from his house and they took a statement. Don't know the outcome probably nothing happened.

We were in business attire with a briefcase... wtf
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Oh and we didn't bother looking for the right house just moved on to the next one. Cosby and del rio are two of the worst towns in the state trust me. I swear they still make moonshine out there. Gruetli laager tn is also on that list.
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Thanks for bumping an old thread!

These stories are too funny to be buried on page 25.

I told my wife about a couple of them and she shook her head but also mentioned she will take the money when it comes in.

And by take I mean ripping it from my hands as I walk in the door.
Went into a house and the husband leads me back to the bedroom where his wife as laying (bedridden), sat down the the side of the bed only to sit in urine. I got up with a wet but and as I was standing there kind of leaning on the tall dresser, the dog walks up and pisses on my leg. Called it a day and went home.
Went into a house and the husband leads me back to the bedroom where his wife as laying (bedridden), sat down the the side of the bed only to sit in urine. I got up with a wet but and as I was standing there kind of leaning on the tall dresser, the dog walks up and pisses on my leg. Called it a day and went home.

Oh man that's funny! Don't feel bad, not as good as yours but I went on an appointment the other day for an annuity and this guys house was like some kind of maze. He had added on just about everywhere. Anyway no central A/C cept winder units and we went somewhere near the center of the house to a room which smelled like cat piss. As a matter of fact I'm sure it was cat piss. Coming from the couch I was sitting on. YUCK!! Where and how this guy managed to accumulate close to 300k I have no idea.

Anyway at one point I looked over and I think he was adjusting his nad sack. Had his belt undone and hands in his pants. The guy wasn't all there IMO. My gaydar is pretty good so I'm sure it was just an itch or some kind of adjustment. Just creepy. Haven't got the case yet.
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Oh man that's funny! Don't feel bad, not as good as yours but I went on an appointment the other day for an annuity and this guys house was like some kind of maze. He had added on just about everywhere. Anyway no central A/C cept winder units and we went somewhere near the center of the house to a room which smelled like cat piss. As a matter of fact I'm sure it was cat piss. Coming from the couch I was sitting on. YUCK!! Where and how this guy managed to accumulate close to 300k I have no idea.

Anyway at one point I looked over and I think he was adjusting his nad sack. Had his belt undone and hands in his pants. The guy wasn't all there IMO. My gaydar is pretty good so I'm sure it was just an itch or some kind of adjustment. Just creepy. Haven't got the case yet.

He saved a lot of it by not using cat litter. He just sops up the excess seepage with insurance agent's pants. He actually has no money.