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Florida insurance agent fired after Costco coronavirus mask confrontation

You are mixing analogies and yours makes no sense in the discussion. If I offend someone because of a belief or an action which that person finds offensive, should I suffer from social media vigilantism? a pastor who assaults children has committed a crime, whether on his personal time or on his professional time and should be held accountable. However, he should not be crucified on just the accusation and the mob should hold off until there is a conviction. He should be removed from his professional position until his actions have been proved or disproved
Ok lets say you overhear a pastor describing a child as sexy then? Better?
Is it because your concerned for their health or yours?

Would you wear a mask to prevent another 9/11 from happening?

The virus has taken around 5000% more people than the 9/11 attacks....

Wearing masks helps prevent hundreds of thousands of additional deaths

We wear masks because we care about the physical and economic health of our fellow Americans.

We wear masks because we want our economy to fully re-open.

We wear masks because we care about the health of this great Nation.
Would you wear a mask to prevent another 9/11 from happening?

Loaded question... so I'll answer it this way. Nope, but I would shoot someone.

Wearing masks helps prevent hundreds of thousands of additional deaths

And how exactly? Like to see your science on that.

We wear masks because we care about the physical and economic health of our fellow Americans.

You mean like the poor older lady I helped get a cart with COPD struggling to make it through the Menards the other day while attempting to breath through her mask?

We wear masks because we want our economy to fully re-open.

That's up to politicians my friend... they are the ones that shut us down.

We wear masks because we care about the health of this great Nation.

The health of this great Nation will improve when we get back to work, back to school, and back to what makes us great...

Don't want to act testy and like I'm getting my underwear in bundle... :no:
Not trying to be a smarty pants...

I am done with all this wuhan flu stuff. I'm tiered of being lied to by politicians, the news media, and so called health experts. Over 878,960 people have died of HIV-aids at the moment I am typing this response... more than a total of 6,787,660 people have died of communicable diseases this year alone.

Follow the numbers... look at the big picture... think for yourself... don't just be a blind follower.

By the way, my teachers where glad I finally graduated. :rolleyes:
Ok lets say you overhear a pastor describing a child as sexy then? Better?
Still NO. If I believe the world is flat and you overhear me telling someone else which offends your sense of the Universe, you have no right to persecute me because our beliefs are different. If ANYONE is self confessing a crime, then yes I have an obligation to alert authorities especially if it involves a minor. You are trying, and failing, to make everything a political argument and that offends me. Politics are a belief in a system, not the person in charge. Does the US do a poor job of taking care of the destitute? Absolutely! But I am tired of working my butt off so someone else can stay home and my ideas on how to fix that problem would not be popular but would work. Do I believe that a CEO should be rewarded with millions each year as a company loses market share? NO! Do I believe that a CEO should make more than 100-200% of the lowest paid employee? No! Randall Stephenson of ATT got a $32 Million dollar bonus in 2019 as ATT lost customers by the thousands and received a nice golden parachute when he should have been handed a box full of his belongings and shown the door.Allstate is fixing to lay off over 3000 employees as they lose market share yet Tom Wilson received nearly $20 million in compensation last year and thousands of families will be impacted by the layoff. But Capitalism also has its upside so there are no clear cut answers