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Fully Covered but Still Insecure...


I just ran my brand new ( 6 months old car ) into a pole by turning into a drive way. The car has full coverage insurance. For some reason I feel more secure about seeking advice in this well known Forum then bringing the claim straight to my insurance company.

I'm assuming the damage on my car is covered even though it was not a "regular" street accident with another car involved in the collision ?

For some reason i don't trust insurance companies as their are often looking for reason not to cover claims.

What are your thoughts on this?
If u have full coverage your covered the only question is how much your deductible is

Btw who is with me i hate these ass holes who always anser ask your agent either because they don't have an anser or cause they're an agent and feel every one has to use an agent or he's a potential costumer cause he doesn't trust his agent

Stop being selfish and assish and or anser or shut up !!!
I would recommend you speak to your agent. Not answering in that manner to be an ass. But your agent will have access to what your deductibles are and how things work in CA.

Simple, as agents, we are PAID to serve OUR clients. His/Her agent is collecting commission to answer these questions, we aren't. This is also a forum for agents, more so than clients I believe. I could be wrong on this.

Lastly, I would recommend you take it to at least 2 body shops and get estimates. That will give you a good idea of whether it makes sense to file the claim. It's going to fall under collision, so you're rate, depending on the claim payout, may take a hit. I would try and pay for this out of pocket if the budget allows for it. Again, this is why you call your agent to walk you through this process. Do not call the insurance company directly as they will tell you to file a claim and may even mark the CLUE report with a claim for just asking, which could impact your insurance score and then impact your rates.
The reason I ask my question on here is to avoid agent or insurance company to have a clue what happened so I can file a claim accordingly. ( Not that I want to lie about the facts ) but I pay my ( high) premium to be fully covered in case of an incident not for the insurance company to turn down my claim or make it difficult to be reimbursed because I'm not experienced with accident claims and may say something wrong ( as I know .. of cause the insurance company is looking for a reason not to pay.. its business for them right .. )

I will read though my policy , but to be most specific about my question :
Is there such a policy term in general that states that another vehicle has to be involved in the accident or that I can not cause the accident myself without reasonable cause ( of cause without any alcohol etc. involved) to be honest I just didn't see the pole i ran into !

Of cause ( especially for agents) on here it makes sense to say .. ask you agent but to me it feels like they work for the insurance company so I rather ask this community ( incl. agents on here)

Also: I figured this will affect my premium/payments .. but the damage is to high to pay out of pocket .. how long will this affect the record / rate ? And does somebody know if this affects the value of the car if bumper and fender are replaced by the original making brand/manufacturer ? Will it be on the title?
If you don't trust your agent, get a new agent. Again, you're paying your agent to answer these questions and handle this situation for you.

If you have collision coverage, then your accident is covered, minus your deductible. You hitting a pole will is considered a collision. I believe a rough definition of a collision is you hitting something with your vehicle, whether it be another car, person, or any object. Deer/animal hits are the exception as that typically falls under Comp/Other than collision and is view as the animal hitting you.

Unless you have some type of accident forgiveness benefit added to your policy, then yes. This will most likely increase your auto rates. As for how long, it will depend on the company. I would say a good general rule of thumb is about 3 years. Though it may impact your insurance score for longer, which would have an impact on your insurance rates.

Yes, the accident will affect the value of your car. When you have the body work done, it will most likely be recorded in some database, such as CarFax. Even if not, most reputable car dealerships will use a paint meter to test the depth/thickness of paint. Thicker paint means repair work has been done. Most experienced appraiser/sales managers can tell if work has done just by looking at a vehicle.

The title will only be affected if the vehicle is totaled out.

Lastly, I may be completely wrong on all of this and/or could be making things up, so I would recommend verifying the above information with your agent.
Wow this is what the forum is suppose to be nice explanations here
Sorry for my earlier comment but i see it here too much guys copy pasting where's your agent your agent and again your agent if he would wanna get that answer y would he write his q here !!
I'm sure if the OP was an agent asking, he/she would get a better response. When the OP is a client asking other agents for their knowledge, I can understand why some agents would be frustrated. That client pays their agent for this information. Said client should ask agent. Agent should know or go out and find the answer. That is what the agent is paid to do.
Before I go into anything else.. maybe this question might explain why I'm not sure
to call my agent directly :

Who does the Agent work for ? Who pays his him his money? Whom his loyalty towards ? Who can he afford to lose when one party is not happy Me Or the Insurance company

( This might be radical questions but I'm afraid of radical actions)
Look, I'm new to insurance selling so I'll answer you as someone who has car insurance. From a simple customer service perspective, your agent wants to help you. Yes, he works for the insurance company but for the most part, those compsnies want you happy so they can keep your business.

You haven't indicated who you're with, but the larger national companies do care about customer satisfaction.