Having Two Personal Insurance Policies on Same Car


New Member
This insurance business is so confusing, looking for some guidance. I have a car that I don't use much and am looking to rent it out to people who want to drive it for Uber or Lyft. My problem is, I don't know these people so do not want them on my personal insurance. Can the person renting it get a separate insurance policy on the car? I live in CA if that matters.
You were well outside the realm of a personal auto policy with renting the car to others. Bring uber into the picture and it further complicates things.

In other words, you need not worry about multiple policies on the car because your personal auto policy will certainly not suffice. If you do attempt to keep it it will get cancelled and coverage denied.
In your case, you would need a commercial policy since you are renting it out. Basically, you would be in business for yourself. Most personal policies will cover incidental use by someone but not for commercial policies.

You'll need to talk to an agent, not just get advice on a forum. Rules change by state and by carrier.

In general, what you are looking for, insurance wise, is a bit pricey. Its a huge risk to a carrier and the likelihood of a high dollar claim is very high.
