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How Do I Qualify Dinner Seminar Prospects?

Thanks, Matt. I have rough numbers as far, but not tracked down to the bone.

Track everything!!!! How do you know if what you are doing works or not. How do you make business decisions without supporting data?!?! We track everything, over time you are able to use the data to determine what works and what doesn't, which zip pulls the best on which days, etc.

Don't take this the wrong way, but get serious!! Success doesn't just happen, you have to work at it. Do you want to be average or significant? You seem to like what you do, but are you passionate about being your best? Track EVERYTHING!! Seminars are expensive don't half azz it! Don't work them the way everyone that says they don't work. There are too many reps across the country earning $1M+ incomes that run seminars as their primary prospecting tool. Will you be one of them? If you want to be (IMHO) you have to track all activity!!!

Track everything!!!! How do you know if what you are doing works or not. How do you make business decisions without supporting data?!?! We track everything, over time you are able to use the data to determine what works and what doesn't, which zip pulls the best on which days, etc.

Don't take this the wrong way, but get serious!! Success doesn't just happen, you have to work at it. Do you want to be average or significant? You seem to like what you do, but are you passionate about being your best? Track EVERYTHING!! Seminars are expensive don't half azz it! Don't work them the way everyone that says they don't work. There are too many reps across the country earning $1M+ incomes that run seminars as their primary prospecting tool. Will you be one of them? If you want to be (IMHO) you have to track all activity!!!


Alright, sounds like a plan. I did do closer tracking but slipped over the past few months. From the data I do have, I noticed that I got more "A" prospects when doing my seminars townside versus the suburbs.... and I will definitely consider that when dropping down my next mailer....