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How Do you Feel about NASE/Mega/UGA?

rusty nail

New Member
Who are they and what is the difference? I heard they won the Stevie award so they must be awesome...

And why does everyone mention Kool Aid when talking about them?

Just curious...:bump::bump::bump::bump::bump::bump:
RUN - not walk from this "opportunity" if they are trying to recruit you. UGA is the marketing group, NASE is the association they use to entice small business owners, and Mega is the TOTALLY CRAP insurance plans that they sell. You will not - I repeat not make enough money to survive with them. I know - I was there for 7 months and am still digging out.
You could ask my friend who's dad at age 45 had a stroke and had severe brain damage. His family lost everything they owned. He had to take over his dad's route as a driver.

He now sells insurance and now has his own agency. He took lemons and kicked the crap out of the lemonade stand you might say.
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The only thing I like about them is that their plans are easy to replace..
The Koolaid joke is because their president of sales is named Jim Jones.

An agent I recruited from them showed me a video of one of their conferences where a lot of them were drunk and stage diving after getting awards.

The funniest thing was when all of the new 5 million dollar producers passed around what looked like a huge Flower vase full of champagne and were all driniking out of it.
Simple thought for business... try never to sell a product that will piss off the customer when they use it.

While Mega is not alone in this category, they seem to dominate it.

As an agent, you are known for what you provide. How do you want to be known?