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I need help with ideas for presentation to community business group

Comedy will get and keep their attention, but you may lose the message because they cant wait for the next joke, they wont hear "insurance blah blah" from a sales guy looking to sell them something. Break the ice telling them they dont want to listen to you... Like this... Then just get to it.

Be frank... "You need it, I have it, so lets skip the lecture and just sign everyoneup right now... Unless you have any questions... If I dont get any takers Im going to talk until I do, so... here comes the long boring lecture, to which I hope NONE of you actually listen to, because if you do, it will mean I need to go to work..."
Comedy will get and keep their attention, but you may lose the message because they cant wait for the next joke, they wont hear "insurance blah blah" from a sales guy looking to sell them something. Break the ice telling them they dont want to listen to you... Like this... Then just get to it.

Be frank... "You need it, I have it, so lets skip the lecture and just sign everyoneup right now... Unless you have any questions... If I dont get any takers Im going to talk until I do, so... here comes the long boring lecture, to which I hope NONE of you actually listen to, because if you do, it will mean I need to go to work..."

Says the guy with the Walter White logo...lol.. Awesome advice..thank you...
No doubt jokes break the ice. Here are a few suggestions.

Have you ever done any public speaking? You establish credibility with first impressions. If you are nervous you will project a lack of confidence.

If you speak too softly many will tune you out. A monotone delivery will put people to sleep. Change inflection and volume, but so so naturally to provide emphasis to the message.

If you are too stiff you will not capture and hold their attention. Animation and expression help.

Public speaking is a gift that comes naturally for some. For others, it is learned in a group like Toastmasters.

As for your speech, come up with an outline but by all means don't get up there and read it. You might have a bullet point summary to hand out AFTER the speech if that is permitted by the organizers of the group.

I assume you don't know these people, so this is your 10 minute, 20 minute commercial for you and what you can do.

Use the following as a guideline.

Lead in with a question designed to interrupt their thought pattern. Something like Tampa suggested. Have you ever KNOWN anyone who had this problem?

By asking if they KNOW of someone you are not asking for an admission of guilt but rather finding out if they are even aware the problem exists.

If the problem is common they will identify with it and will want to know how YOU would solve it.

Tell a story.

I once knew someone that had a successful business. This man (or woman) was well known and respected in the community. If ever anyone needed (the product or service) they knew exactly who to go to for the answer.

One day, for no apparent reason, the business was closed. No one seemed to know why but phones were not answered. No lights were on. There were no signs of activity.

Eventually it was discovered that Jack had a stroke. One day he was in good health. The next he was in a hospital . . .

Your story can be a personal one, not necessarily about you but about someone you know. If you don't have a personal story steal one from someone else. Ted and The Moth are good resources

TED Talks
The Moth | Stories

Offer a resolution.

A local attorney ambulance chase has run TV commercials for years and built a very successful practice with 30 second commercials consisting of short testimonials about how Ken got them a $100,000 settlement.

They all close with "I can't guarantee the same results but if you need help call me. One call, that's all"

Call it corny if you want but the guy is ultra-successful from 30 second ads.

Funny stuff!