Thanks for your thoughts so far...however this is not exactly what I am looking for.
I was thinking something like this:
Company A: I really like X
Company B: I really liked X
Make sense?
Not really! Before you ask that question maybe we should ask you a few questions.
1. How long you been in the biz?
2. What's your closing ratio?
3. Are you a closer?
You need a foundation set before you should think about buying leads. John has said it over and over, you have to know your sh^t before you should think about buying leads. You are going up against ruthless agents who will do whatever it takes to get a sale. Can you compete? Ethically?
I did quite well off internet leads last month, but it's not the type of lead I like to work. Besides, I have so many leads and referrals now than I can deal with. I'm not trying to sound like a jack azz, but it is the truth. If you don't know every product in your market, don't have GREAT sales skills or can't close then DON'T BUY THEM!!