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Looking for a Term Life Insurance Company

Term insurance is to permanent insurance like a stock option is to owning stock.

Term gives you the option to buy the permanent coverage without medical requalification as long as you do so before the option expires.

However, you never experience the benefits of ownership (such as dividends) until you exercise your option to own it (permanent coverage).
All I want is to get a 20 or 30 year term on someone. So, if they pass away during that time I would get X amount based on what the policy is. As other people rely on this persons income. The person who the policy would be taken out of is in good health. So, the rates should be pretty good since they have no health problems and don't smoke, etc.

But I'm more concerned about the next 10-20 years. As if in 30 years or more that person passed away and the policy is already expired. The people that depend on that persons income would get an inheritance to help them get by. And they'd be 30 years older anyways. So, it wouldn't be that bad 30 years from now vs. if that person passed away in 5 years. But you never know which is why I was looking at a life insurance policy as I had thought they already had a good policy, but the policy they have isn't as high as I think it should be.

From the quotes I've got, I could figure something out that is reasonable. i.e. like making an extra cable bill payment a month or something. But I'm not going to get a policy where it's like I'm making an extra car payment a month.

Sir, not sure what else can be said at this point!

Many on here have advised you, correctly in my opinion, to either see a competent independent agent, or to call one of the professionals on this board who have been kind enough to offer you their advice over the phone, free of charge, to help steer you in the right direction, and who cannot even sell you anything.

I am licensed in Tennessee. If you want great term quotes shoot me an email at [email protected] and I will be glad to shop a whole bunch of companies for you and find the best prices. Or if you would like more info on other types of policies I can help with that, too.

But I think you have just about worn out this thread... there isn't much else anyone can help with unless you give us all the particulars on the person you wish to have insured.

Anyway, all the best to you!
>>So, if they pass away during that time I would get X amount based on what the policy is.

>>.... but the policy they have isn't as high as I think it should be.

We have all offered to help you. With no obligation. You have implied that you do not trust agents or Insurance companies.

Here is what I suggest. Go to term4sale.com. They do not sell insurance. Rate the person at Preferred Plus. Get a quote. Print the list. Start with the cheapest and call them till you find one that will write you direct. It will cost more than using an agent. Once you find one submit the app.
Good Luck.

btw, doubtful that it will come out the way you quoted it.

All I want is to get a 20 or 30 year term on someone. So, if they pass away during that time I would get X amount based on what the policy is. As other people rely on this persons income. The person who the policy would be taken out of is in good health. So, the rates should be pretty good since they have no health problems and don't smoke, etc.

But I'm more concerned about the next 10-20 years. As if in 30 years or more that person passed away and the policy is already expired. The people that depend on that persons income would get an inheritance to help them get by. And they'd be 30 years older anyways. So, it wouldn't be that bad 30 years from now vs. if that person passed away in 5 years. But you never know which is why I was looking at a life insurance policy as I had thought they already had a good policy, but the policy they have isn't as high as I think it should be.

From the quotes I've got, I could figure something out that is reasonable. i.e. like making an extra cable bill payment a month or something. But I'm not going to get a policy where it's like I'm making an extra car payment a month.