Medicare/Medixaid Verification Eligibility Services


1000 Post Club
Houston, Tex
How many of you are contracted with MAs that will verify your prospects' Medicare and/or Medicaid eligibility? From talking to a buddy if mine, not very many. I've been using Health Spring for this, but lately they have become more tedious and asking for more agent information like dob and last 4 digits od SSN besides the usual agent # and name. They will no longer even confirm a date of birth of prospect unless you proffer the date first. They will only say yes or no. The hapless worker bee told that new procedures are to protect PHI. From what, if someone would be designated by me to use my info, I'd just give them my last four is SSN and date of birth. It's just more time consuming BS that they're thinking up, just as bad as CMS.
3 types of ID to talk to CS, makes it harder to call from the car.... :0

HIPAA rules tighter this year, now many more using encrypted email, too.
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