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Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good Idea


Monumental Life Insurance. Debit Insurance Agent. Not good idea?

Please Read full story and PLEASE help: They want me to start Febuary 1st.

They are very interested, I believe a little too interested in someone with no experience at all.

I have a bachelors degree and I am about to take my State of North Carolina Life/Health insurance state exam this Saturday (1/23/10).

At first glance, with the two interviews with the regional manager, I thought this was a great extry level career move for someone with only a bachelors degree. He stated to me that I would have a base salary of $3,600-$3,000 per month plus commission and full benefits for the first three months of training and then $1,800-$2,000 after that plus commission and full benefits. There would be no charge on my part (they even would include a laptop).

Then last week I spoke to the sales manager of the local branch that I would be working with during my 3 months of training. He said that they have life insurance plans for every class of people, but the people they mostly deal with is low income to very low-middle class. He said what I would be doing is going to the customers homes/apartments and collect their premiums and then try to up their policies. Tell them that it looks like it might be time to review their current policy. He then stated "I must let you know that you will be collecting premiums from people in the ghetto most of the time" and yes he did use the word ghetto. I really didn't think anything of it as I am a young ambitious guy looking to start a career.

I told my family and they did not like the idea at all, they said it seems like your less of trying to be an insurance sales man and more of being a collection agent. They also were very concerned for my safety with being in those types of areas at night, that I might be robbed or something of the sort. I thought it was just my family being family.

I then spoke to quite a few veteran insurance sales agents that have been doing this as a career for a long time and are very successful at it. They too did not like the idea at all.
They said what I would be doing has not been done in many, many years. What I would be doing is called a "debit insurance agent." They said that it is not a good idea, nor a safe idea and the concept is an obsolete type of insurance.

One of the veterans did state that "these low income families do in fact want to pay their premiums even though they do not have the money, they are even more wanting to pay their premiums than high executives." The problem is these low income families most of the time would only pay you in cash and people around their neighborhood would know that you would be caring a good amount of cash in your pockets."

Starting out in the process with interviewing and understanding Monumental Life, I thought this was a great opportunity. Now, I am very hesitant as too not take this position at all and just start applying else where.

People of the Insurance Agent Forum. Please help me out and guide me.
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Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

I worked for Monumental Life a little over 6yrs ago (2000-2003) What you have explained sounds very simular to what I did.
It is a "debit" agency. Yes, you do go and collect premiums from an existing book of business. For the first 8weeks, I was on salary. While on salary, whatever I sold the commission went into a "pool", once the training/salary period is over, I would get 22% commission from that pool.
The way the have their commission worked out for the agent, its hard to make money. If a policy lapsed on your book of business, you would take the hit on your increase.
Yes, you have an increase goal that you must hit each month. And I had inherited a list of pending lapses that was always at least 2 pages. So, in essence you can sell your butt off, but when these other policies lapse, it takes away from what you have sold! Thats hard to swallow.
On the bright side, I stayed with them for about 3yrs and I learned ALOT about life insurance, how the policies work and it really helped my selling skills. You will meet alot of different types of people in a debit agency.
Once I had some experience I was able to move to another company and have done very well.
Hope this helps. If you need anymore info from me just ask.
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One more thing.....the laptop had to be leased by the agent. The cost was taken out of every check. The did however have a maintence agreement, so whenever I had to replace the laptop it didn't cost me anymore.
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Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

I worked for Monumental for approximately 3 months last year. Everything you've said and NCnat said is right on target. You are a bill collector. I just didn't have the heart for it. You can make good money, if you have a heart (lack of) for that kind of work. I know agents who have been there over 15 years and love it. Positive point it is an excellent place to learn the business and get paid decent. My laptop didn't cost me anything!
Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

What part of NC are you guys from? I'm in Raleigh.
Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

I've sold a lot of FE in Elizabeth City. If you come across someone you can't write for a small whole life (final expense) policy let me know. We can write ages 0-85 (in NC) w/ any health condition...aids, nursing home, dialysis, heart problems, copd, etc. 15K is the highest face for this type of policy and it's paid up in 15 yrs. I'll either share comm. with you or if you would like a contract let me know....Greg 252-292-3350.
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Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

Thanks guys for the input. Keep them coming :) Also, I am currently in Hendersonville (close to Asheville) NC, but the position is in the Charlotte, NC area.
Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

Thanks guys for the input. Keep them coming :) Also, I am currently in Hendersonville (close to Asheville) NC, but the position is in the Charlotte, NC area.

I got started in this biz in "96 running a debit for United Ins. Co. Did it for 3 years, was one of the top 3 producers in our district pretty much every week.

I left in "99 because those LAPSES were horrible. Also no renewals for the agent w/ debit co.'s. Good place to get your feet wet but not a place to make a career.

Yes, about 95% of the time you are nothing more than a bill collector, people won't have their premium $ when you come by to collect, you'll be in and around the projects, and people in the "hood" will know you are the ins. man carrying 100's of dollars either in you pocket or in your car.

One of the agents in our district (16 yr. veteran) was robbed at gunpoint and decided to quit. Those "hoods" get a little more dangerous each yr.
Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Debit Insurance Agent. Not good id

Then last week I spoke to the sales manager of the local branch that I would be working with during my 3 months of training. He said that they have life insurance plans for every class of people, but the people they mostly deal with is low income to very low-middle class. He said what I would be doing is going to the customers homes/apartments and collect their premiums and then try to up their policies. Tell them that it looks like it might be time to review their current policy. He then stated "I must let you know that you will be collecting premiums from people in the ghetto most of the time" and yes he did use the word ghetto. I really didn't think anything of it as I am a young ambitious guy looking to start a career.

Regardless if you are collecting debit premiums in the ghetto or selling annuities in an upper-middle class neighborhood, I would advise you to buy a gun, get trained on how to use it and apply for a concealed carry permit.

It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Just like your Visa card..... Don't leave home without it.
Re: Monumental Life Insurance. Alot of People Told Me Not a Good

I started at AGLA in 2000 with a debit book, I transferred most of the people off the book that wouldnt switch over to EFT, and you would be surprised how many people would switch over but they were just never asked.

From there i just visited these people day in and day out and sold lots of new policies and cancelled the bad ones.

There can be a very good opportunity to sell insurance when you are given a good size book, the key is to sell sell sell.
A lot of those guys just service the book and really dont try to sell. At least that what i experienced.

I worked there for just under 2 years and did pretty good.

** If your not comfortable in that area ask if he can place you in another area you are cool with.